Jamie A Ward
Jamie A Ward
Professor at Goldsmiths, University of London
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AMON: a wearable multiparameter medical monitoring and alert system
U Anliker, JA Ward, P Lukowicz, G Troster, F Dolveck, M Baer, F Keita, ...
IEEE Transactions on information technology in Biomedicine 8 (4), 415-427, 2004
Eye movement analysis for activity recognition using electrooculography
A Bulling, JA Ward, H Gellersen, G Tröster
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33 (4), 741-753, 2010
Activity recognition of assembly tasks using body-worn microphones and accelerometers
JA Ward, P Lukowicz, G Troster, TE Starner
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 28 (10), 1553 …, 2006
Recognizing workshop activity using body worn microphones and accelerometers
P Lukowicz, JA Ward, H Junker, M Stäger, G Tröster, A Atrash, T Starner
Pervasive Computing: Second International Conference, PERVASIVE 2004, Linz …, 2004
Performance metrics for activity recognition
JA Ward, P Lukowicz, HW Gellersen
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2 (1), 1-23, 2011
AMON: a wearable medical computer for high risk patients
P Lukowicz, U Anliker, J Ward, G Troster, E Hirt, C Neufelt
Proceedings. Sixth International Symposium on Wearable Computers,, 133-134, 2002
Robust recognition of reading activity in transit using wearable electrooculography
A Bulling, JA Ward, H Gellersen, G Tröster
Pervasive Computing: 6th International Conference, Pervasive 2008 Sydney …, 2008
Multimodal recognition of reading activity in transit using body-worn sensors
A Bulling, JA Ward, H Gellersen
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 9 (1), 1-21, 2012
Eye movement analysis for activity recognition
A Bulling, JA Ward, H Gellersen, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, 41-50, 2009
Recognizing and discovering human actions from on-body sensor data
D Minnen, T Starner, JA Ward, P Lukowicz, G Troster
2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1545-1548, 2005
Performance metrics and evaluation issues for continuous activity recognition
D Minnen, T Westeyn, T Starner, JA Ward, P Lukowicz
Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems 4, 141-148, 2006
Are you on my wavelength: Interpersonal coordination in dyadic conversations
J Hale, JA Ward, F Buccheri, D Oliver, A Hamilton
Journal of nonverbal behavior 44 (1), 63-83, 2020
Gesture spotting using wrist worn microphone and 3-axis accelerometer
JA Ward, P Lukowicz, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart objects and ambient …, 2005
Nonverbal communication in virtual reality: Nodding as a social signal in virtual interactions
N Aburumman, M Gillies, JA Ward, AFC Hamilton
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 164, 102819, 2022
Sensing interpersonal synchrony between actors and autistic children in theatre using wrist-worn accelerometers
JA Ward, D Richardson, G Orgs, K Hunter, A Hamilton
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers …, 2018
Evaluating performance in continuous context recognition using event-driven error characterisation
JA Ward, P Lukowicz, G Tröster
Location-and Context-Awareness: Second International Workshop, LoCA 2006 …, 2006
Effects of being watched on eye gaze and facial displays of typical and autistic individuals during conversation
R Cañigueral, JA Ward, AFC Hamilton
Autism 25 (1), 210-226, 2021
Synthetic sensor data for human activity recognition
F Alharbi, L Ouarbya, JA Ward
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-9, 2020
Blink as you sync: Uncovering eye and nod synchrony in conversation using wearable sensing
A Gupta, FL Strivens, B Tag, K Kunze, JA Ward
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 66-71, 2019
Comparing Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition
F Alharbi, L Ouarbya, JA Ward
Sensors 22 (4), 1373, 2022
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Articles 1–20