Oskar Vafek
Oskar Vafek
Professor, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
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Dirac Fermions in Solids: From High-T c Cuprates and Graphene to Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals
O Vafek, A Vishwanath
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 5 (1), 83-112, 2014
Symmetry, maximally localized wannier states, and a low-energy model for twisted bilayer graphene narrow bands
J Kang, O Vafek
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031088, 2018
Strong coupling phases of partially filled twisted bilayer graphene narrow bands
J Kang, O Vafek
Physical review letters 122 (24), 246401, 2019
theory of pairing pseudogap in cuprates: From -wave superconductor to antiferromagnet via an algebraic Fermi liquid
M Franz, Z Tešanović, O Vafek
Physical Review B 66 (5), 054535, 2002
Many-body instability of Coulomb interacting bilayer graphene: Renormalization group approach
O Vafek, K Yang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (4), 041401, 2010
Resonance light scattering and its application in determining the size, shape, and aggregation number for supramolecular assemblies of chromophores
PJ Collings, EJ Gibbs, TE Starr, O Vafek, C Yee, LA Pomerance, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (40), 8474-8481, 1999
Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening
X Liu, Z Wang, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, O Vafek, JIA Li
Science 371 (6535), 1261-1265, 2021
Coulomb interaction, ripples, and the minimal conductivity of graphene
IF Herbut, V Juričić, O Vafek
Physical review letters 100 (4), 046403, 2008
Pair density wave in the pseudogap state of high temperature superconductors
HD Chen, O Vafek, A Yazdani, SC Zhang
Physical review letters 93 (18), 187002, 2004
Relativistic Mott criticality in graphene
IF Herbut, V Juričić, O Vafek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (7), 075432, 2009
Space group symmetry, spin-orbit coupling, and the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for iron-based superconductors
V Cvetkovic, O Vafek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (13), 134510, 2013
Heat capacity through the magnetic-field-induced resistive transition in an underdoped high-temperature superconductor
SC Riggs, O Vafek, JB Kemper, JB Betts, A Migliori, FF Balakirev, ...
Nature Physics 7 (4), 332-335, 2011
Thermoplasma polariton within scaling theory of single-layer graphene
O Vafek
Physical review letters 97 (26), 266406, 2006
Interacting fermions on the honeycomb bilayer: From weak to strong coupling
O Vafek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 205106, 2010
Non-Abelian Dirac node braiding and near-degeneracy of correlated phases at odd integer filling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
J Kang, O Vafek
Physical Review B 102 (3), 035161, 2020
Renormalization group study of hidden symmetry in twisted bilayer graphene with coulomb interactions
O Vafek, J Kang
Physical Review Letters 125 (25), 257602, 2020
Enhancement of superconductivity by a parallel magnetic field in two-dimensional superconductors
H Jeffrey Gardner, A Kumar, L Yu, P Xiong, MP Warusawithana, L Wang, ...
Nature physics 7 (11), 895-900, 2011
Quasiparticles and vortices in unconventional superconductors
O Vafek, A Melikyan, M Franz, Z Tešanović
Physical Review B 63 (13), 134509, 2001
Electronic multicriticality in bilayer graphene
V Cvetkovic, RE Throckmorton, O Vafek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075467, 2012
Chiral symmetry breaking and phase fluctuations:  A theory of the pseudogap state in cuprate superconductors
Z Tešanović, O Vafek, M Franz
Physical Review B 65 (18), 180511, 2002
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Articles 1–20