Shengli Zhou
Shengli Zhou
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut
uconn.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Cross-layer combining of adaptive modulation and coding with truncated ARQ over wireless links
Q Liu, S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 3 (5), 1746-1755, 2004
The challenges of building mobile underwater wireless networks for aquatic applications
JH Cui, J Kong, M Gerla, S Zhou
Ieee Network 20 (3), 12-18, 2006
Multicarrier communication over underwater acoustic channels with nonuniform Doppler shifts
B Li, S Zhou, M Stojanovic, L Freitag, P Willett
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 33 (2), 198-209, 2008
Sparse channel estimation for multicarrier underwater acoustic communication: From subspace methods to compressed sensing
CR Berger, S Zhou, JC Preisig, P Willett
IEEE transactions on signal processing 58 (3), 1708-1721, 2009
Prospects and problems of wireless communication for underwater sensor networks
L Lanbo, Z Shengli, C Jun‐Hong
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8 (8), 977-994, 2008
Application of compressive sensing to sparse channel estimation
CR Berger, Z Wang, J Huang, S Zhou
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (11), 164-174, 2010
Queuing with adaptive modulation and coding over wireless links: cross-layer analysis and design
Q Liu, S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 4 (3), 1142-1153, 2005
Optimal transmitter eigen-beamforming and space-time block coding based on channel mean feedback
S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (10), 2599-2613, 2002
Achieving the Welch bound with difference sets
P Xia, S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (5), 1900-1907, 2005
Signal processing for passive radar using OFDM waveforms
CR Berger, B Demissie, J Heckenbach, P Willett, S Zhou
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 4 (1), 226-238, 2010
MIMO-OFDM for high-rate underwater acoustic communications
B Li, J Huang, S Zhou, K Ball, M Stojanovic, L Freitag, P Willett
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 34 (4), 634-644, 2009
Aqua-Sim: An NS-2 based simulator for underwater sensor networks
P Xie, Z Zhou, Z Peng, H Yan, T Hu, JH Cui, Z Shi, Y Fei, S Zhou
OCEANS 2009, 1-7, 2009
Energy-efficient cooperative communication based on power control and selective single-relay in wireless sensor networks
Z Zhou, S Zhou, JH Cui, S Cui
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 7 (8), 3066-3078, 2008
Optimal transmitter eigen-beamforming and space-time block coding based on channel correlations
S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (7), 1673-1690, 2003
Adaptive MIMO-OFDM based on partial channel state information
P Xia, S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 52 (1), 202-213, 2004
OFDM for underwater acoustic communications
S Zhou, Z Wang
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Adaptive modulation for multiantenna transmissions with channel mean feedback
S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (5), 1626-1636, 2004
How accurate channel prediction needs to be for transmit-beamforming with adaptive modulation over Rayleigh MIMO channels?
S Zhou, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (4), 1285-1294, 2004
Subspace-based (semi-) blind channel estimation for block precoded space-time OFDM
S Zhou, B Muquet, GB Giannakis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (5), 1215-1228, 2002
Energy-efficient cooperative communication in a clustered wireless sensor network
Z Zhou, S Zhou, S Cui, JH Cui
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (6), 3618-3628, 2008
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