Daniel Guitton
Daniel Guitton
Professor of Neuroscience, McGill University
mcgill.ca의 이메일 확인됨
Frontal lobe lesions in man cause difficulties in suppressing reflexive glances and in generating goal-directed saccades
D Guitton, HA Buchtel, RM Douglas
Experimental brain research 58, 455-472, 1985
Gaze control in humans: eye-head coordination during orienting movements to targets within and beyond the oculomotor range
D Guitton, M Volle
Journal of neurophysiology 58 (3), 427-459, 1987
Stimulation of the superior colliculus in the alert cat: II. Eye and head movements evoked when the head is unrestrained
A Roucoux, D Guitton, M Crommelinck
Experimental Brain Research 39, 75-85, 1980
A mixed-signal multichip neural recording interface with bandwidth reduction
B Gosselin, AE Ayoub, JFÇ Roy, M Sawan, F Lepore, A Chaudhuri, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 3 (3), 129-141, 2009
Control of orienting gaze shifts by the tectoreticulospinal system in the head-free cat. III. Spatiotemporal characteristics of phasic motor discharges
DP Munoz, D Guitton, D Pelisson
Journal of Neurophysiology 66 (5), 1642-1666, 1991
Movement of neural activity on the superior colliculus motor map during gaze shifts
DP Munoz, D Pélisson, D Guitton
Science 251 (4999), 1358-1360, 1991
Stimulation of the superior colliculus in the alert cat: I. Eye movements and neck EMG activity evoked when the head is restrained
D Guitton, M Crommelinck, A Roucoux
Experimental Brain Research 39, 63-73, 1980
Control of eye—head coordination during orienting gaze shifts
D Guitton
Trends in neurosciences 15 (5), 174-179, 1992
Control of orienting gaze shifts by the tectoreticulospinal system in the head-free cat. II. Sustained discharges during motor preparation and fixation
DP Munoz, D Guitton
Journal of Neurophysiology 66 (5), 1624-1641, 1991
Visual, vestibular and voluntary contributions to human head stabilization
D Guitton, RE Kearney, N Wereley, BW Peterson
Experimental brain research 64, 59-69, 1986
Eye-head coordination in cats
D Guitton, RM Douglas, M Volle
Journal of Neurophysiology 52 (6), 1030-1050, 1984
Gaze control in the cat: studies and modeling of the coupling between orienting eye and head movements in different behavioral tasks
D Guitton, DP Munoz, HL Galiana
Journal of neurophysiology 64 (2), 509-531, 1990
Gaze shifts evoked by stimulation of the superior colliculus in the head-free cat conform to the motor map but also depend on stimulus strength and fixation activity
M Paré, M Crommelinck, D Guitton
Experimental brain research 101, 123-139, 1994
A sensorimotor role for traveling waves in primate visual cortex
TP Zanos, PJ Mineault, KT Nasiotis, D Guitton, CC Pack
Neuron 85 (3), 615-627, 2015
Frontal ‘oculomotor’area in alert cat. I. Eye movements and neck activity evoked by stimulation
D Guitton, G Mandl
Brain research 149 (2), 295-312, 1978
Fixation and orientation control by the tecto-reticulo-spinal system in the cat whose head is unrestrained.
DP Munoz, D Guitton
Revue neurologique 145 (8-9), 567-579, 1989
The fixation area of the cat superior colliculus: effects of electrical stimulation and direct connection with brainstem omnipause neurons
M Paré, D Guitton
Experimental Brain Research 101, 109-122, 1994
Two distinct types of remapping in primate cortical area V4
S Neupane, D Guitton, CC Pack
Nature communications 7 (1), 10402, 2016
Central Organization and Modeling of Eye‐Head Coordination during Orienting Gaze Shiftsa
HL Galiana, D Guitton
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 656 (1), 452-471, 1992
Visual-motor transformations required for accurate and kinematically correct saccades
JD Crawford, D Guitton
Journal of Neurophysiology 78 (3), 1447-1467, 1997
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