Biology and management of Asian citrus psyllid, vector of the huanglongbing pathogens EE Grafton-Cardwell, LL Stelinski, PA Stansly Annual Review of Entomology 58 (1), 413-432, 2013 | 754 | 2013 |
Codling moth management and chemical ecology P Witzgall, L Stelinski, L Gut, D Thomson Annu. Rev. Entomol. 53 (1), 503-522, 2008 | 609 | 2008 |
Insecticide resistance in field populations of Asian citrus psyllid in Florida S Tiwari, RS Mann, ME Rogers, LL Stelinski Pest management science 67 (10), 1258-1268, 2011 | 417 | 2011 |
Induced release of a plant-defense volatile ‘deceptively’attracts insect vectors to plants infected with a bacterial pathogen RS Mann, JG Ali, SL Hermann, S Tiwari, KS Pelz-Stelinski, HT Alborn, ... PLoS pathogens 8 (3), e1002610, 2012 | 346 | 2012 |
The ambrosia symbiosis: from evolutionary ecology to practical management J Hulcr, LL Stelinski Annual review of entomology 62 (1), 285-303, 2017 | 334 | 2017 |
Sequential sympatric speciation across trophic levels AA Forbes, THQ Powell, LL Stelinski, JJ Smith, JL Feder Science 323 (5915), 776-779, 2009 | 234 | 2009 |
Subterranean Herbivore-induced Volatiles Released by Citrus Roots upon Feeding by Diaprepes abbreviatus Recruit Entomopathogenic Nematodes JG Ali, HT Alborn, LL Stelinski Journal of chemical ecology 36, 361-368, 2010 | 221 | 2010 |
Differentiation of Competitive vs. Non-competitive Mechanisms Mediating Disruption of Moth Sexual Communication by Point Sources of Sex Pheromone (Part 2): Case Studies JR Miller, LJ Gut, FM de Lame, LL Stelinski Journal of chemical ecology 32, 2115–2143, 2006 | 206 | 2006 |
Roles of Olfactory Cues, Visual Cues, and Mating Status in Orientation of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) to Four Different Host Plants EJ Wenninger, LL Stelinski, DG Hall Environmental entomology 38 (1), 225-234, 2009 | 195 | 2009 |
Antifeedant and sublethal effects of imidacloprid on Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri DR Boina, EO Onagbola, M Salyani, LL Stelinski Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 65 (8), 870-877, 2009 | 194 | 2009 |
Constitutive and induced subterranean plant volatiles attract both entomopathogenic and plant parasitic nematodes JG Ali, HT Alborn, LL Stelinski Journal of Ecology 99 (1), 26-35, 2011 | 192 | 2011 |
Quantifying Dispersal of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) by Immunomarking and Potential Impact of Unmanaged Groves on Commercial Citrus Management DR Boina, WL Meyer, EO Onagbola, LL Stelinski Environmental entomology 38 (4), 1250-1258, 2009 | 185 | 2009 |
Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis, to induced volatiles of Manchurian ash, Fraxinus mandshurica C Rodriguez-Saona, TM Poland, JR Miller, LL Stelinski, GG Grant, ... Chemoecology 16, 75-86, 2006 | 183 | 2006 |
Double-stranded RNA uptake through topical application, mediates silencing of five CYP4 genes and suppresses insecticide resistance in Diaphorina citri N Killiny, S Hajeri, S Tiwari, S Gowda, LL Stelinski PloS one 9 (10), e110536, 2014 | 171 | 2014 |
The ambrosia symbiosis is specific in some species and promiscuous in others: evidence from community pyrosequencing M Kostovcik, CC Bateman, M Kolarik, LL Stelinski, BH Jordal, J Hulcr The ISME journal 9 (1), 126-138, 2015 | 157 | 2015 |
Behaviour-modifying chemicals: prospects and constraints in IPM. LJ Gut, LL Stelinski, DR Thomson, JR Miller Integrated pest management: potential, constraints and challenges, 73-121, 2004 | 156 | 2004 |
Sulfur volatiles from Allium spp. affect Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), response to citrus volatiles RS Mann, RL Rouseff, JM Smoot, WS Castle, LL Stelinski Bulletin of Entomological Research 101 (1), 89-97, 2011 | 146 | 2011 |
Seasonal movement patterns and long-range dispersal of Asian citrus psyllid in Florida citrus H Lewis-Rosenblum, X Martini, S Tiwari, LL Stelinski Journal of Economic Entomology 108 (1), 3-10, 2015 | 142 | 2015 |
Subterranean, herbivore-induced plant volatile increases biological control activity of multiple beneficial nematode species in distinct habitats JG Ali, HT Alborn, R Campos-Herrera, F Kaplan, LW Duncan, ... PLoS One 7 (6), e38146, 2012 | 136 | 2012 |
The scent of a partner: ambrosia beetles are attracted to volatiles from their fungal symbionts J Hulcr, R Mann, LL Stelinski Journal of Chemical Ecology 37, 1374-1377, 2011 | 133 | 2011 |