David Alan Tennant
David Alan Tennant
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Proximate Kitaev quantum spin liquid behaviour in a honeycomb magnet
A Banerjee, CA Bridges, JQ Yan, AA Aczel, L Li, MB Stone, GE Granroth, ...
Nature materials 15 (7), 733-740, 2016
Quantum Criticality in an Ising Chain: Experimental Evidence for Emergent E8 Symmetry
R Coldea, DA Tennant, EM Wheeler, E Wawrzynska, D Prabhakaran, ...
Science 327 (5962), 177-180, 2010
Dirac Strings and Magnetic Monopoles in the Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7
DJP Morris, DA Tennant, SA Grigera, B Klemke, C Castelnovo, ...
Science 326 (5951), 411-414, 2009
Neutron scattering in the proximate quantum spin liquid α-RuCl3
A Banerjee, J Yan, J Knolle, CA Bridges, MB Stone, MD Lumsden, ...
Science 356 (6342), 1055-1059, 2017
Formation of a Nematic Fluid at High Fields in Sr3Ru2O7
RA Borzi, SA Grigera, J Farrell, RS Perry, SJS Lister, SL Lee, DA Tennant, ...
Science 315 (5809), 214-217, 2007
Experimental realization of a 2D fractional quantum spin liquid
R Coldea, DA Tennant, AM Tsvelik, Z Tylczynski
Physical review letters 86 (7), 1335, 2001
Quantum criticality and universal scaling of a quantum antiferromagnet
B Lake, DA Tennant, CD Frost, SE Nagler
Nature materials 4 (4), 329-334, 2005
Low-temperature crystal and magnetic structure of
HB Cao, A Banerjee, JQ Yan, CA Bridges, MD Lumsden, DG Mandrus, ...
Physical Review B 93 (13), 134423, 2016
Excitations in the field-induced quantum spin liquid state of α-RuCl3
A Banerjee, P Lampen-Kelley, J Knolle, C Balz, AA Aczel, B Winn, Y Liu, ...
npj Quantum Materials 3 (1), 8, 2018
Extended scattering continua characteristic of spin fractionalization in the two-dimensional frustrated quantum magnet observed by neutron scattering
R Coldea, DA Tennant, Z Tylczynski
Physical Review B 68 (13), 134424, 2003
Measurement of the spin-excitation continuum in one-dimensional using neutron scattering
DA Tennant, RA Cowley, SE Nagler, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 52 (18), 13368, 1995
Unbound spinons in the S= 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain KCuF 3
DA Tennant, TG Perring, RA Cowley, SE Nagler
Physical review letters 70 (25), 4003, 1993
Direct Measurement of the Spin Hamiltonian and Observation of Condensation of Magnons in the 2D Frustrated Quantum Magnet
R Coldea, DA Tennant, K Habicht, P Smeibidl, C Wolters, Z Tylczynski
Physical review letters 88 (13), 137203, 2002
Patterning of sodium ions and the control of electrons in sodium cobaltate
M Roger, DJP Morris, DA Tennant, MJ Gutmann, JP Goff, JU Hoffmann, ...
Nature 445 (7128), 631-634, 2007
Magnetic Excitations in the Alternating Chain Compound
AW Garrett, SE Nagler, DA Tennant, BC Sales, T Barnes
Physical review letters 79 (4), 745, 1997
Multispinon continua at zero and finite temperature in a near-ideal Heisenberg chain
B Lake, DA Tennant, JS Caux, T Barthel, U Schollwöck, SE Nagler, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (13), 137205, 2013
Confinement of fractional quantum number particles in a condensed-matter system
B Lake, AM Tsvelik, S Notbohm, D Alan Tennant, TG Perring, M Reehuis, ...
Nature Physics 6 (1), 50-55, 2010
Spin dynamics in the quantum antiferromagnetic chain compound
SE Nagler, DA Tennant, RA Cowley, TG Perring, SK Satija
Physical Review B 44 (22), 12361, 1991
Softening and Broadening of the Zone Boundary Magnons in
HY Hwang, P Dai, SW Cheong, G Aeppli, DA Tennant, HA Mook
Physical review letters 80 (6), 1316, 1998
alternating chain using multiprecision methods
T Barnes, J Riera, DA Tennant
Physical Review B 59 (17), 11384, 1999
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Articles 1–20