Joseph C. Slater
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Cited by
Forced response of bladed disk assemblies-a survey
J Slater, G Minkiewicz, A Blair
34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3743, 1999
A numerical method for determining nonlinear normal modes
JC Slater
Nonlinear dynamics 10, 19-30, 1996
Bending fatigue life characterisation of direct metal laser sintering nickel alloy 718
O Scott‐Emuakpor, J Schwartz, T George, C Holycross, C Cross, J Slater
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 38 (9), 1105-1117, 2015
Component-Mode Reduced-Order Models for Geometric Mistuning of Integrally Bladed Rotors
JA Beck, JM Brown, CJ Cross, JC Slater
AIAA Journal 52, 1345--1356, 2014
Probabilistic mistuning assessment using nominal and geometry based mistuning methods
JA Beck, JM Brown, JC Slater, CJ Cross
Journal of Turbomachinery 135 (5), 051004, 2013
Parameter estimation and investigation of a bolted joint model
OV Shiryayev, SM Page, CL Pettit, JC Slater
Journal of Sound and Vibration 307 (3-5), 680-697, 2007
Approximation and parameter identification for damped second order systems with unbounded input operators
HT Banks, Y Wang, DJ Inman, JC Slater
North Carolina State University. Center for Research in Scientific Computation, 1993
Mistuning evaluation comparison via as-manufactured models, traveling wave excitation, and compressor rigs
DL Gillaugh, AA Kaszynski, JM Brown, JA Beck, JC Slater
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (6), 061006, 2019
Material property determination of vibration fatigued DMLS and cold-rolled nickel alloys
O Scott-Emuakpor, T George, J Beck, J Schwartz, C Holycross, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45769, V07AT28A008, 2014
Probabilistic analysis of geometric uncertainty effects on blade modal response
JM Brown, J Slater, RV Grandhi
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 36878, 247-255, 2003
A survey of modern methods for modeling frequency dependent damping in finite element models
JC Slater, W Keith Belvin, DJ Inman
Proceedings-Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, 1508-1508, 1993
Variable coefficient distributed parameters system models for structures with piezoceramic actuators and sensors
HT Banks, Y Wang, DJ Inman, JC Slater
[1992] Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1803 …, 1992
Analysis of nonlinear aeroelastic panel response using proper orthogonal decomposition
SA Mortara, J Slater, P Beran
J. Vib. Acoust. 126 (3), 416-421, 2004
Geometric Mistuning Reduced-Order Models for Integrally Bladed Rotors With Mistuned Disk–Blade Boundaries
JA Beck, JM Brown, AA Kaszynski, CJ Cross, JC Slater
Journal of Turbomachinery 137 (7), 071001, 2015
Accurate strain gauge limits through geometry mistuning modeling
DL Gillaugh, AA Kaszynski, JM Brown, DA Johnston, JC Slater
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (6), 1401-1408, 2018
Detection of fatigue cracks using random decrement signatures
OV Shiryayev, JC Slater
Structural Health Monitoring 9 (4), 347-360, 2010
A proper orthogonal decomposition technique for the computation of nonlinear panel response
S Mortara, J Slater, P Beran
41st Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit, 1396, 2000
Probabilistic mistuning assessment using nominal and geometry based mistuning methods
JA Beck, JM Brown, CJ Cross, JC Slater
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44731, 1085-1097, 2012
A fleet risk prediction methodology for mistuned ibrs using geometric mistuning models
EB Henry, JM Brown, JC Slater
17th AIAA non-deterministic approaches conference, 1144, 2015
A comparison of conventional and impedance methods for modeling piezoelectric materials actuation in smart structures
Y Wang, JC Slater
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1998
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Articles 1–20