John Strom-Olsen
John Strom-Olsen
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Nanocrystalline Magnesium for Hydrogen Storage
LZJOSO A. Zaluska
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 288 (1-2), 217-225, 1999
Structure, Catalysis and atomic reactions on the nano-scale: a systematic approach to metal hydrides for hydrogen storage
strom-olsen zaluska, zaluski
Applied Physics A 72, 157-185, 2001
Nanocrystalline metal hydrides
L Zaluski, A Zaluska, JO Ström-Olsen
Journal of alloys and compounds 253, 70-79, 1997
Synergy of hydrogen absorption in ball-milled hydrides of Mg and Mg2Ni
strom-olsen zaluska, zaluski
journal of alloys and compounds 289, 196-206, 1999
Hydrogen absorption in nanocrystalline Mg2Ni formed by mechanical alloying
L Zaluski, A Zaluska, JO Ström-Olsen
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 217 (2), 245-249, 1995
Structural manifestations in amorphous alloys: resistance minima
Z Cochrane, Harris, Strom-Olson
Phys,Rev.Lett 35, 676, 1975
Sodium Alanates for Reversible Hydrogen Storage
strom-olsen zaluska, zaluski
journal of alloys and compounds 298, 123-134, 2000
Superconductivity and spin fluctuations in M-Zr metallic glasses (M= Cu, Ni, Co, and Fe)
Z Altounian, JO Strom-Olsen
Physical Review B 27 (7), 4149-4156, 1983
Catalytic effect of Pd on hydrogen absorption in mechanically alloyed Mg2Ni, LaNi5 and FeTi
L Zaluski, A Zaluska, P Tessier, JO Ström-Olsen, R Schulz
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 217 (2), 295-300, 1995
Crystallization characteristics of Ni‐Zr metallic glasses from Ni20Zr80 to Ni70Zr30
Z Altounian, T Guo‐Hua, JO Strom‐Olsen
Journal of Applied Physics 54 (6), 3111-3116, 1983
Magnetic properties of iron-rich Fe-Zr glasses
DH Ryan, JMD Coey, E Batalla, Z Altounian, JO Ström-Olsen
Physical Review B 35 (16), 8630, 1987
Crystallization characteristics of Cu‐Zr metallic glasses from Cu70Zr30 to Cu25Zr75
Z Altounian, T Guo‐hua, JO Strom‐Olsen
Journal of applied physics 53 (7), 4755-4760, 1982
Hydrogenation properties of complex alkali metal hydrides fabricated by mechano-chemical synthesis
L Zaluski, A Zaluska, JO Ström-Olsen
Journal of alloys and compounds 290 (1-2), 71-78, 1999
The influence of oxygen and other impurities on the crystallization of NiZr2 and related metallic glasses
Z Altounian, E Batalla, JO Strom‐Olsen, JL Walter
Journal of applied physics 61 (1), 149-155, 1987
Magnetic properties of MnBi prepared by rapid solidification
X Guo, X Chen, Z Altounian, JO Ström-Olsen
Physical Review B 46 (22), 14578, 1992
Fitting to magnetoresistance under weak localization in three dimensions
SO Baxter, Richter, Trudeau,Cochrane
J.Phys.France 50, 1673-1688, 1989
Effects of relaxation on hydrogen absorption in Fe Ti produced by ball-milling
L Zaluski, A Zaluska, P Tessier, JO Ström-Olsen, R Schulz
Journal of alloys and compounds 227 (1), 53-57, 1995
Magnetization studies of (GeTe) 1− x (MnTe) x pseudobinary alloys
RW Cochrane, M Plischke, JO Ström-Olsen
Physical Review B 9 (7), 3013, 1974
Scaling behavior in amorphous and disordered metals
RW Cochrane, JO Strom-Olsen
Physical Review B 29 (2), 1088, 1984
Amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe–Ti prepared by ball milling
L Zaluski, P Tessier, DH Ryan, CB Doner, A Zaluska, JO Ström-Olsen, ...
Journal of materials research 8 (12), 3059-3068, 1993
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Articles 1–20