Sergei F. Mingaleev
Sergei F. Mingaleev
VPI Development Center - division of VPIphotonics, resident of Belarus Hi-Tech Park, Minsk, Belarus
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Periodic nanostructures for photonics
K Busch, G Von Freymann, S Linden, SF Mingaleev, L Tkeshelashvili, ...
Physics reports 444 (3-6), 101-202, 2007
Nonlinear transmission and light localization in photonic-crystal waveguides
SF Mingaleev, YS Kivshar
JOSA B 19 (9), 2241-2249, 2002
InP-based generic foundry platform for photonic integrated circuits
LM Augustin, R Santos, E Den Haan, S Kleijn, PJA Thijs, S Latkowski, ...
IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 24 (1), 1-10, 2017
Self-trapping and stable localized modes in nonlinear photonic crystals
SF Mingaleev, YS Kivshar
Physical review letters 86 (24), 5474-5477, 2001
The Wannier function approach to photonic crystal circuits
K Busch, SF Mingaleev, A Garcia-Martin, M Schillinger, D Hermann
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (30), R1233, 2003
Nonlinear Fano resonance and bistable wave transmission
AE Miroshnichenko, SF Mingaleev, S Flach, YS Kivshar
Physical Review E 71 (3), 036626, 2004
Long-range interaction and nonlinear localized modes in photonic crystal waveguides
SF Mingaleev, YS Kivshar, RA Sammut
Physical Review E 62 (4), 5777, 2000
All-optical switching, bistability, and slow-light transmission in photonic crystal waveguide-resonator structures
SF Mingaleev, AE Miroshnichenko, YS Kivshar, K Busch
Physical Review E 74 (4), 046603, 2006
Effects of nonlocal dispersive interactions on self-trapping excitations
YB Gaididei, SF Mingaleev, PL Christiansen, KØ Rasmussen
Physical Review E 55 (5), 6141, 1997
Models for energy and charge transport and storage in biomolecules
SF Mingaleev, PL Christiansen, YB Gaididei, M Johansson, ...
Journal of Biological Physics 25 (1), 41-63, 1999
Nonlinear photonic crystals toward all-optical technologies
S Mingaleev, Y Kivshar
Optics and Photonics News 13 (7), 48-51, 2002
Tunable photonic crystal circuits: concepts and designs based on single-pore infiltration
SF Mingaleev, M Schillinger, D Hermann, K Busch
Optics letters 29 (24), 2858-2860, 2004
Coupled-resonator-induced reflection in photonic-crystal waveguide structures
SF Mingaleev, AE Miroshnichenko, YS Kivshar
Optics Express 16 (15), 11647-11659, 2008
Purcell effect and Lamb shift as interference phenomena
MV Rybin, SF Mingaleev, MF Limonov, YS Kivshar
Scientific reports 6 (1), 20599, 2016
Curvature-induced symmetry breaking in nonlinear Schrodinger models
YB Gaididei, SF Mingaleev, PL Christiansen
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 62 (1), 53-56, 2000
Scattering matrix approach to large-scale photonic crystal circuits
SF Mingaleev, K Busch
Optics letters 28 (8), 619-621, 2003
Solitons in anharmonic chains with power-law long-range interactions
SF Mingaleev, YB Gaididei, FG Mertens
Physical Review E 58 (3), 3833, 1998
Nonlinearity-induced conformational instability and dynamics of biopolymers
SF Mingaleev, YB Gaididei, PL Christiansen, YS Kivshar
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 59, 403, 2002
Wannier basis design and optimization of a photonic crystal waveguide crossing
Y Jiao, SF Mingaleev, M Schillinger, DAB Miller, S Fan, K Busch
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (9), 1875-1877, 2005
Effective equations for photonic-crystal waveguides and circuits
SF Mingaleev, YS Kivshar
Optics letters 27 (4), 231-233, 2002
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Articles 1–20