Felipe Fernandez
Felipe Fernandez
T. Professor, UPM
fi.upm.es의 이메일 확인됨
Detección fenotípica de mecanismos de resistencia en microorganismos gramnegativos
F Navarro, J Calvo, R Cantón, F Fernández-Cuenca, B Mirelis
Enfermedades Infecciosas y microbiología clínica 29 (7), 524-534, 2011
Opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things for healthcare: Systems engineering perspective
F Fernandez, GC Pallis
2014 4th international conference on wireless mobile communication and …, 2014
Generation of submicron monodisperse aerosols in electrosprays
JF De La Mora, J Navascues, F Fernandez, J Rosell-Llompart
Journal of Aerosol Science 21, S673-S676, 1990
New cases of accessory and cavitated uterine masses (ACUM): a significant cause of severe dysmenorrhea and recurrent pelvic pain in young women
P Acién, A Bataller, F Fernández, MI Acién, JM Rodríguez, MJ Mayol
Human Reproduction 27 (3), 683-694, 2012
Detection of 14-3-3 protein in the CSF of a patient with Hashimoto’s encephalopathy
LE Hernandez Echebarria, A Saiz, F Graus, J Tejada, JM Garcia, ...
Neurology 54 (7), 1539-1540, 2000
Praziquantel treatment of porcine brain and muscleTaenia solium cysticercosis: 1. Radiological, physiological and histopathological studies
A Flisser, D Gonzalez, M Shkurovich, I Madrazo, D Correa, ...
Parasitology Research 76, 263-269, 1990
Improving image segmentation quality through effective region merging using a hierarchical social metaheuristic
A Duarte, Á Sánchez, F Fernández, AS Montemayor
Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (11), 1239-1251, 2006
Review of gas turbine models for power system stability studies
P Centeno, I Egido, C Domingo, F Fernandez, L Rouco, M Gonzalez
9th Spanish Portuguese congress on electrical engineering, 1-6, 2005
La evaluación y su importancia en la educación
F Fernández
Nexos. Recuperado de: https://educacion. nexos. com. mx, 2018
Serum TNF levels in neonatal sepsis and septic shock
J Roman, F Fernandez, F Velasco, R Rojas, MR Roldan, A Torres
Acta Paediatrica 82 (4), 352-354, 1993
Relationship between haemolysis production and resistance to fluoroquinolones among clinical isolates of Escherichia coli
L Martínez-Martínez, F Fernández, EJ Perea
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 43 (2), 277-279, 1999
Development of design criteria for ITER in-vessel components
G Sannazzaro, V Barabash, SC Kang, E Fernandez, G Kalinin, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (9-10), 2138-2141, 2013
(Bi, R) 2O3 (R: Nd, Sm and Dy) oxides as potential pigments
B Gonzalvo, J Romero, F Fernandez, MJ Torralvo
Journal of alloys and compounds 323, 372-375, 2001
Particle filter on GPUs for real-time tracking
AS Montemayor, JJ Pantrigo, Á Sánchez, F Fernández
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Posters, 94, 2004
Liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure: importance of renal failure
A Mendoza, F Fernandez, DJ Mutimer
Transplant international 10, 55-60, 1996
Coagulation, fibrinolytic and kallikrein systems in neonates with uncomplicated sepsis and septic shock
V Rubioa, A Vicentea
Haemostasis 23, 142-148, 1993
A low-level hybridization between memetic algorithm and VNS for the max-cut problem
A Duarte, Á Sánchez, F Fernández, R Cabido
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Informe para la reforma de los medios de comunicación de titularidad del Estado
E LLEDó, E Bustamante, V Camps, F FERNÁNDEZ, F González
Elaborado por el Consejo creado al efecto, según Real Decreto 744, 2004, 2005
Symbiotic autonomous systems with consciousness using digital twins
F Fernández, Á Sánchez, JF Vélez, AB Moreno
From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine Learning …, 2019
Seguridad en el trabajo: manual para la formación del especialista
J Espeso, F Fernández, M Espeso, B Fernández
España: Lex Nova SA, 2007
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