Anatoly Balagurov
Anatoly Balagurov
JINR, Dubna
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Cited by
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the BaFe12− xAlxO19 (x= 0.1–1.2) solid solutions
AV Trukhanov, VO Turchenko, IA Bobrikov, SV Trukhanov, IS Kazakevich, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 253-259, 2015
Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of New Perovskite PbVO3
RV Shpanchenko, VV Chernaya, AA Tsirlin, PS Chizhov, DE Sklovsky, ...
Chemistry of materials 16 (17), 3267-3273, 2004
Scientific reviews: high-resolution fourier diffraction at the IBR-2 reactor
AM Balagurov
Neutron News 16 (3), 8-12, 2005
Magnetic state of the structural separated anion-deficient La0. 70Sr0. 30MnO2. 85 manganite
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, AN Vasiliev, AM Balagurov, H Szymczak
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 113 (5), 819-825, 2011
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the BaFe12− xInxO19 (x= 0.1–1.2) solid solutions
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VA Turchenko, VG Kostishin, LV Panina, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 417, 130-136, 2016
DN-12 time-of-flight high-pressure neutron spectrometer for investigation of microsamples
VL Aksenov, AM Balagurov, VP Glazkov, DP Kozlenko, IV Naumov, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 265 (1-4), 258-262, 1999
New insights into the structure and hydration of a stratum corneum lipid model membrane by neutron diffraction
MA Kiselev, NY Ryabova, AM Balagurov, S Dante, T Hauss, J Zbytovska, ...
European Biophysics Journal 34, 1030-1040, 2005
Structure and magnetic properties of BaFe11. 9In0. 1O19 hexaferrite in a wide temperature range
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VA Turchenko, VG Kostishyn, LV Panina, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 689, 383-393, 2016
Thermal evolution of exchange interactions in lightly doped barium hexaferrites
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VG Kostishyn, LV Panina, VA Turchenko, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 426, 554-562, 2017
Evolution of structure and magnetic properties for BaFe11. 9Al0. 1O19 hexaferrite in a wide temperature range
AV Trukhanov, SV Trukhanov, LV Panina, VG Kostishyn, IS Kazakevich, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 426, 487-496, 2017
Structural phase transition in CuFe2O4 spinel
AM Balagurov, IA Bobrikov, MS Maschenko, D Sangaa, VG Simkin
Crystallography Reports 58, 710-717, 2013
Features of crystal structure and dual ferroic properties of BaFe12-xMexO19 (Me= In3+ and Ga3+; x= 0.1–1.2)
VA Turchenko, SV Trukhanov, AM Balagurov, VG Kostishyn, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 464, 139-147, 2018
Investigation of the crystal and magnetic structures of BaFe12 - x Al x O19 solid solutions (x = 0.1‒1.2)
VA Turchenko, AV Trukhanov, IA Bobrikov, SV Trukhanov, AM Balagurov
Crystallography Reports 60, 629-635, 2015
Study of the crystalline and magnetic structures of BaFe11.4Al0.6O19 in a wide temperature range
VA Turchenko, AV Trukhanov, IA Bobrikov, SV Trukhanov, AM Balagurov
Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques …, 2015
Evidence for the band ferromagnetism in SrRuO3 from neutron diffraction
SN Bushmeleva, VY Pomjakushin, EV Pomjakushina, DV Sheptyakov, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 305 (2), 491-496, 2006
Atomic structure and lattice dynamics of Ni and Mg hydroxides
VY Kazimirov, MB Smirnov, L Bourgeois, L Guerlou-Demourgues, ...
Solid State Ionics 181 (39-40), 1764-1770, 2010
Precision neutron-diffraction study of the high-ssuperconductor s
VL Aksenov, AM Balagurov, VV Sikolenko, VG Simkin, VA Alyoshin, ...
Physical Review B 55 (6), 3966, 1997
Phase transitions as a tool for tailoring magnetostriction in intrinsic Fe-Ga composites
VV Palacheva, A Emdadi, F Emeis, IA Bobrikov, AM Balagurov, ...
Acta Materialia 130, 229-239, 2017
The rhombohedral phase with incommensurate modulation in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3
AM Balagurov, EY Koroleva, AA Naberezhnov, VP Sakhnenko, ...
Phase Transitions 79 (1-2), 163-173, 2006
Solid solutions La1− xAgyMnO3+ δ: evidence for silver doping, structure and properties
OY Gorbenko, OV Melnikov, AR Kaul, AM Balagurov, SN Bushmeleva, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 116 (1), 64-70, 2005
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