Atsushi Matsuoka
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Cited by
Massive phytoplankton blooms under Arctic sea ice
KR Arrigo, DK Perovich, RS Pickart, ZW Brown, GL Van Dijken, KE Lowry, ...
Science 336 (6087), 1408-1408, 2012
Phytoplankton blooms beneath the sea ice in the Chukchi Sea
KR Arrigo, DK Perovich, RS Pickart, ZW Brown, GL Van Dijken, KE Lowry, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 105, 1-16, 2014
Parameterization of vertical chlorophyll a in the Arctic Ocean: impact of the subsurface chlorophyll maximum on regional, seasonal, and annual primary production …
M Ardyna, M Babin, M Gosselin, E Devred, S Bélanger, A Matsuoka, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (6), 4383-4404, 2013
Tracing the transport of colored dissolved organic matter in water masses of the Southern Beaufort Sea: relationship with hydrographic characteristics
A Matsuoka, A Bricaud, R Benner, J Para, R Sempéré, L Prieur, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (3), 925-940, 2012
Seasonal variability in the light absorption properties of western Arctic waters: Parameterization of the individual components of absorption for ocean color applications
A Matsuoka, V Hill, Y Huot, M Babin, A Bricaud
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C2), 2011
Bio-optical characteristics of the western Arctic Ocean: implications for ocean color algorithms
A Matsuoka, Y Huot, K Shimada, SI Saitoh, M Babin
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (6), 503-518, 2007
Optical characterisation of suspended particles in the Mackenzie River plume (Canadian Arctic Ocean) and implications for ocean colour remote sensing
D Doxaran, J Ehn, S Bélanger, A Matsuoka, S Hooker, M Babin
Biogeosciences 9 (8), 3213-3229, 2012
Oceanographic structure drives the assembly processes of microbial eukaryotic communities
A Monier, J Comte, M Babin, A Forest, A Matsuoka, C Lovejoy
The ISME journal 9 (4), 990-1002, 2015
Estimating absorption coefficients of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) using a semi-analytical algorithm for southern Beaufort Sea waters: application to deriving …
A Matsuoka, SB Hooker, A Bricaud, B Gentili, M Babin
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 917-927, 2013
Seasonal dynamics of light absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the NW Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site)
E Organelli, A Bricaud, D Antoine, A Matsuoka
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 91, 72-85, 2014
Photoacclimation of Arctic Ocean phytoplankton to shifting light and nutrient limitation
KM Lewis, AE Arntsen, P Coupel, H Joy‐Warren, KE Lowry, A Matsuoka, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (1), 284-301, 2019
Pigment signatures of phytoplankton communities in the Beaufort Sea
P Coupel, A Matsuoka, D Ruiz-Pino, M Gosselin, D Marie, JÉ Tremblay, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (4), 991-1006, 2015
Pan-Arctic optical characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter: Tracing dissolved organic carbon in changing Arctic waters using satellite ocean color data
A Matsuoka, E Boss, M Babin, L Karp-Boss, M Hafez, A Chekalyuk, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 200, 89-101, 2017
Apparent optical properties of the Canadian Beaufort Sea–Part 2: The 1% and 1 cm perspective in deriving and validating AOP data products
SB Hooker, JH Morrow, A Matsuoka
Biogeosciences 10 (7), 4511-4527, 2013
Dissolved organic matter at the fluvial–marine transition in the Laptev Sea using in situ data and ocean colour remote sensing
B Juhls, PP Overduin, J Hölemann, M Hieronymi, A Matsuoka, B Heim, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (13), 2693-2713, 2019
Apparent optical properties of the Canadian Beaufort Sea–Part 1: Observational overview and water column relationships
D Antoine, SB Hooker, S Bélanger, A Matsuoka, M Babin
Biogeosciences 10 (7), 4493-4509, 2013
Green Edge ice camp campaigns: understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom
P Massicotte, R Amiraux, MP Amyot, P Archambault, M Ardyna, L Arnaud, ...
Earth System Science Data 12 (1), 151-176, 2020
Carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic: patterns and drivers of bacterial abundance, production and respiration on the Beaufort Sea margin
E Ortega-Retuerta, WH Jeffrey, M Babin, S Bélanger, R Benner, D Marie, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (9), 3679-3692, 2012
Light absorption and partitioning in Arctic Ocean surface waters: impact of multiyear ice melting
S Bélanger, SA Cizmeli, J Ehn, A Matsuoka, D Doxaran, S Hooker, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (10), 6433-6452, 2013
Phytoplankton community adaptation to changing light levels in the southern Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic
A Matsuoka, P Larouche, M Poulin, W Vincent, H Hattori
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82 (3), 537-546, 2009
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Articles 1–20