Seungwan Hong
Seungwan Hong
nygenome.org의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Logistic regression on homomorphic encrypted data at scale
K Han, S Hong, JH Cheon, D Park
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 9466-9471, 2019
Ultrafast homomorphic encryption models enable secure outsourcing of genotype imputation
M Kim, AO Harmanci, JP Bossuat, S Carpov, JH Cheon, I Chillotti, W Cho, ...
Cell systems 12 (11), 1108-1120. e4, 2021
A hybrid of dual and meet-in-the-middle attack on sparse and ternary secret LWE
JH Cheon, M Hhan, S Hong, Y Son
IEEE Access 7, 89497-89506, 2019
Remark on the security of ckks scheme in practice
JH Cheon, S Hong, D Kim
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
Privacy-preserving approximate GWAS computation based on homomorphic encryption
D Kim, Y Son, D Kim, A Kim, S Hong, JH Cheon
BMC Medical Genomics 13, 1-12, 2020
Secure tumor classification by shallow neural network using homomorphic encryption
S Hong, JH Park, W Cho, H Choe, JH Cheon
BMC genomics 23 (1), 284, 2022
Efficient Sorting of Homomorphic Encrypted Data With k-Way Sorting Network
S Hong, S Kim, J Choi, Y Lee, JH Cheon
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 4389-4404, 2021
Lizard public key encryption
JH Cheon, S Park, J Lee, D Kim, Y Song, S Hong, D Kim, J Kim, SM Hong, ...
NIST PQC Round 1, 4, 2018
Polynomial functional encryption scheme with linear ciphertext size
JH Cheon, S Hong, C Lee, Y Son
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
A secure SNP panel scheme using homomorphically encrypted K-mers without SNP calling on the user side
S Park, M Kim, S Seo, S Hong, K Han, K Lee, JH Cheon, S Kim
BMC genomics 20, 163-174, 2019
Ultra-secure storage and analysis of genetic data for the advancement of precision medicine
J Blindenbach, J Kang, S Hong, C Karam, T Lehner, G Gürsoy
Biorxiv, 2024
Privacy-preserving model evaluation for logistic and linear regression using homomorphically encrypted genotype data
S Hong, YA Choi, DS Joo, G Gürsoy
Journal of biomedical informatics 156, 104678, 2024
Practical sorting on large-scale encrypted data
JH Cheon, S Hong
US Patent App. 17/616,349, 2022
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