Rema Hanna
Rema Hanna
Harvard Kennedy School
hks.harvard.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Incentives work: Getting teachers to come to school
E Duflo, R Hanna, SP Ryan
American economic review 102 (4), 1241-1278, 2012
Environmental regulations, air and water pollution, and infant mortality in India
M Greenstone, R Hanna
American Economic Review 104 (10), 3038-3072, 2014
The effect of pollution on labor supply: Evidence from a natural experiment in Mexico City
R Hanna, P Oliva
Journal of Public Economics 122, 68-79, 2015
Targeting the poor: evidence from a field experiment in Indonesia
V Alatas, A Banerjee, R Hanna, BA Olken, J Tobias
American Economic Review 102 (4), 1206-1240, 2012
Does the effect of pollution on infant mortality differ between developing and developed countries? Evidence from Mexico City
E Arceo, R Hanna, P Oliva
The Economic Journal 126 (591), 257-280, 2016
Obtaining a driver's license in India: an experimental approach to studying corruption
M Bertrand, S Djankov, R Hanna, S Mullainathan
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (4), 1639-1676, 2007
Up in smoke: the influence of household behavior on the long-run impact of improved cooking stoves
R Hanna, E Duflo, M Greenstone
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8 (1), 80-114, 2016
Debunking the stereotype of the lazy welfare recipient: Evidence from cash transfer programs
AV Banerjee, R Hanna, GE Kreindler, BA Olken
The World Bank Research Observer 32 (2), 155-184, 2017
Learning through noticing: Theory and evidence from a field experiment
R Hanna, S Mullainathan, J Schwartzstein
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (3), 1311-1353, 2014
A Banerjee, S Mullainathan, R Hanna
National Bureau of economic research, 2012
Affirmative action in education: Evidence from engineering college admissions in India
M Bertrand, R Hanna, S Mullainathan
Journal of Public Economics 94 (1-2), 16-29, 2010
Indoor air pollution, health and economic well-being
E Duflo, M Greenstone, R Hanna
SAPI EN. S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, 2008
Universal basic incomes versus targeted transfers: Anti-poverty programs in developing countries
R Hanna, BA Olken
Journal of Economic Perspectives 32 (4), 201-226, 2018
US environmental regulation and FDI: evidence from a panel of US-based multinational firms
R Hanna
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2 (3), 158-189, 2010
Dishonesty and selection into public service
R Hanna, SY Wang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Discrimination in grading
RN Hanna, LL Linden
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4 (4), 146-168, 2012
Self-targeting: Evidence from a field experiment in Indonesia
V Alatas, R Purnamasari, M Wai-Poi, A Banerjee, BA Olken, R Hanna
Journal of Political Economy 124 (2), 371-427, 2016
Does elite capture matter? Local elites and targeted welfare programs in Indonesia
V Alatas, A Banerjee, R Hanna, BA Olken, R Purnamasari, M Wai-Poi
AEA Papers and Proceedings 109, 334-339, 2019
Tangible information and citizen empowerment: Identification cards and food subsidy programs in Indonesia
A Banerjee, R Hanna, J Kyle, BA Olken, S Sumarto
Journal of Political Economy 126 (2), 451-491, 2018
Network structure and the aggregation of information: Theory and evidence from Indonesia
V Alatas, A Banerjee, AG Chandrasekhar, R Hanna, BA Olken
American Economic Review 106 (7), 1663-1704, 2016
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