Weiping He
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Cited by
Organizing and accessing web services on air
X Yang, A Bouguettaya, B Medjahed, H Long, W He
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics-part a: systems and …, 2003
王志江, 郭善广, 蒋爱民, 潘柯伊, 杨公明, 何文新
食品科学 29 (9), 78-82, 2008
Recovery in web service applications
W He
IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service …, 2004
Sensitivity analysis of crop yields, soil water contents and nitrogen leaching to precipitation, management practices and soil hydraulic properties in semi-arid and humid …
W He, JY Yang, W Zhou, CF Drury, XM Yang, WD Reynolds, H Wang, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 106, 201-215, 2016
王棣, 耿增超, 佘雕, 和文祥, 侯琳
应用生态学报 25 (6), 1569-1577, 2014
A proxy-based integrated cache consistency and mobility management scheme for client–server applications in Mobile IP systems
W He, R Chen
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69 (6), 559-572, 2009
DMAP: integrated mobility and service management in mobile IPv6 systems
IR Chen, W He, B Gu
Wireless Personal Communications 43, 711-723, 2007
Research on the compression properties of FC-3283 and FC-770 for generating pulse of hundreds picoseconds
WLJ Hasi, XY Wang, SX Cheng, ZM Zhong, Z Qiao, ZX Zheng, DY Lin, ...
Laser and Particle Beams 31 (2), 301-305, 2013
Proxy-based regional registration for integrated mobility and service management in mobile IP systems
IR Chen, W He, B Gu
The Computer Journal 50 (3), 281-293, 2007
Smart Routers for Cross-Layer Integrated Mobility and Service Management in Mobile IPv6 Systems
DC Wang, W He, IR Chen
Wireless personal communications 69, 449-469, 2013
A proxy-based integrated cache consistency and mobility management scheme for Mobile IP systems
W He, R Chen, B Gu
21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2007
DMAP: A scalable and efficient integrated mobility and service management scheme for Mobile IPv6 systems
W He, B Gu
Proceedings. 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 753-760, 2006
Using hashing and caching for location management in wireless mobile systems
W He, A Bouguettaya
International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 335-339, 2002
Optical limiting characteristics dependent on pump energy in stimulated Brillouin scattering process
L Yuelan, L Zhiwei, H Weiming, Y Jun
Acta Optica Sinica 24 (2), 168-171, 2004
DMAP-FR: Dynamic mobility anchor points for mobility, service and failure recovery management in mobile IPv6 systems
W He, IR Chen, DC Wang
Wireless Personal Communications 62, 479-496, 2012
贺伟, 贾黎明, 郝宝刚, 文学军, 翟明普
应用生态学报 14 (04), 481, 2003
Two-cell stimulated-Brillouin-scattering phase-conjugated mirror compressing pulses width of Q-switched YAG oscillator
H Weiming, L Zhiwei, W Qi
Acta Optica Sinica (光学学报) 16 (4), 450-453, 1996
Current situation for beam amplification of stimulated Brillouin scattering
D Yingchun, L Zhiwei, H Weiming
Laser Technology 26 (4), 314-317, 2002
Cross-layer integrated mobility and service management utilizing smart routers in mobile IPv6 systems
W He, IR Chen, DC Wang
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2010
Integrated Mobility and Service Management for Future All-IP Based Wireless Networks
W He
Virginia Tech, 2009
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Articles 1–20