Syed Asif Raza Shah
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Cited by
AmoebaNet: An SDN-enabled network service for big data science
SAR Shah, W Wu, Q Lu, L Zhang, S Sasidharan, P DeMar, C Guok, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 119, 70-82, 2018
A performance analysis of precopy, postcopy and hybrid live VM migration algorithms in scientific cloud computing environment
SAR Shah, AH Jaikar, SY Noh
2015 international conference on high performance computing & simulation …, 2015
Min-max exclusive virtual machine placement in cloud computing for scientific data environment
MH Kim, JY Lee, SA Raza Shah, TH Kim, SY Noh
Journal of Cloud Computing 10, 1-17, 2021
Performance evaluation of close-ended mutual funds by investment objectives in Pakistan’s economy
SI Khalid, Z Abbas, SA Shah
Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business 2 (4), 193-219, 2010
Benchmarking and performance evaluations on various configurations of virtual machine and containers for cloud-based scientific workloads
SAR Shah, A Waqas, MH Kim, TH Kim, H Yoon, SY Noh
Applied Sciences 11 (3), 993, 2021
An adaptive load monitoring solution for logically centralized SDN controller
SAR Shah, S Bae, A Jaikar, SY Noh
2016 18th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS), 1-6, 2016
Performance evaluations of distributed file systems for scientific big data in FUSE environment
JY Lee, MH Kim, SA Raza Shah, SU Ahn, H Yoon, SY Noh
Electronics 10 (12), 1471, 2021
Performance analysis of NAS and SAN storage for scientific workflow
A Jaikar, SAR Shah, SY Noh, S Bae
2016 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon), 1-4, 2016
Performance evaluation of scientific workflow on openstack and openvz
A Jaikar, SAR Shah, S Bae, SY Noh
Cloud Computing: 6th International Conference, CloudComp 2015, Daejeon …, 2016
Scienceiot: evolution of the wireless infrastructure of kreonet
C Kim, J Kim, KH Kim, SK Lee, K Kim, SAR Shah, YH Goo
Sensors 21 (17), 5852, 2021
Compliance with price transparency by California hospitals
B Mulaney, SA Shah, C Kim, LC Baker
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, 2021
CAMOR: congestion aware multipath optimal routing solution by using software-defined networking
SAR Shah, W Seok, J Kim, S Bae, SY Noh
2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon), 1-6, 2017
Early detection of melanoma skin cancer using image processing and deep learning
SAR Shah, I Ahmed, G Mujtaba, MH Kim, C Kim, SY Noh
Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing …, 2022
Improve Performance and Throughput of VMs for Scientific Workloads in a Cloud Environment
SAR Shah, AH Jaikar, S Bae, SY Noh
2016 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon), 1-6, 2016
Performance Evaluation of the KVM Hypervisor Running on ARM-Based Single-Board Computers
E Gamess, M Parajuli, S Shah
Network performance evaluation of several Raspberry Pi models for IPv4 and IPv6
E Gamess, S Shah
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Southeast Conference, 181-189, 2022
Vibauth: Enabling accurate, usable, and deployable user authentication by leveraging vibration
J Park, H Jun, H Kim, SAR Shah
2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2020
An Optimal Network-Aware Scheduling Technique for Distributed Deep Learning in Distributed HPC Platforms
S Lee, SA Raza Shah, W Seok, J Moon, K Kim, SH Raza Shah
Electronics 12 (14), 3021, 2023
A dynamic programmable network for large-scale scientific data transfer using AmoebaNet
SAR Shah, SY Noh
Applied Sciences 9 (21), 4541, 2019
Network softwarization: A study of SDN and NFV integration
SAR Shah, J Kim, S Bae, A Jaikar, SY Noh
International Conference on Convergence Technology 6 (1), 834-835, 2016
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Articles 1–20