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Young Min SongGIST Distinguished Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, GISTgist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Gil Ju LeePusan National University (PNU)pusan.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Se-Yeon HeoGwangju Institute of Science and Technology, GISTgm.gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Joo Hwan KoGwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST)gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Hyeon-Ho JeongAssociate Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Sejeong KimUniversity of Melbourneunimelb.edu.auÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Si-Young BaeKorea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technologykicet.re.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Yong-Hyeon Kimuos.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Do Hyeon KimGwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Hyung Rae KimGwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)gm.gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Yubin LeeGwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)gm.gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Kwangwook ParkAssociate Professor, Jeonbuk National Universityjbnu.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Se Yeon KimGwangju Institute of Science and Technologygm.gist.ac.krÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ