The effect of sales promotion on post-promotion brand preference: A meta-analysis D DelVecchio, DH Henard, TH Freling Journal of retailing 82 (3), 203-213, 2006 | 478 | 2006 |
Cents or percent? The effects of promotion framing on price expectations and choice D DelVecchio, HS Krishnan, DC Smith Journal of marketing 71 (3), 158-170, 2007 | 419 | 2007 |
Consumer perceptions of private label quality: the role of product category characteristics and consumer use of heuristics D DelVecchio Journal of retailing and Consumer Services 8 (5), 239-249, 2001 | 412 | 2001 |
Brand-extension price premiums: the effects of perceived fit and extension product category risk D DelVecchio, DC Smith Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33, 184-196, 2005 | 367 | 2005 |
Moving beyond fit: the role of brand portfolio characteristics in consumer evaluations of brand reliability D DelVecchio Journal of Product & Brand Management 9 (7), 457-471, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Aesthetic properties and message customization: Navigating the dark side of web recruitment. BR Dineen, J Ling, SR Ash, D DelVecchio Journal of applied psychology 92 (2), 356, 2007 | 262 | 2007 |
Deal‐prone consumers' response to promotion: The effects of relative and absolute promotion value D DelVecchio Psychology & Marketing 22 (5), 373-391, 2005 | 179 | 2005 |
The asymmetric effects of extending brands to lower and higher quality TB Heath, D DelVecchio, MS McCarthy Journal of Marketing 75 (4), 3-20, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
Decision making by low‐literacy consumers in the presence of point‐of‐purchase information H Jae, D Delvecchio Journal of Consumer Affairs 38 (2), 342-354, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
Leveraging brand equity to attract human capital D DelVecchio, CB Jarvis, RR Klink, BR Dineen Marketing Letters 18, 149-164, 2007 | 99 | 2007 |
The effects of lower prices on perceptions of brand quality: a choice task perspective D DelVecchio, S Puligadda Journal of Product & Brand Management 21 (6), 465-474, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
The effects of discount location and frame on consumers’ price estimates D DelVecchio, A Lakshmanan, HS Krishnan Journal of Retailing 85 (3), 336-346, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Picture–text incongruency in print advertisements among low‐and high‐literacy consumers H Jae, DS Delvecchio, D Cowles Journal of Consumer Affairs 42 (3), 439-451, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Are low-literate and high-literate consumers different? Applying resource-matching theory to ad processing across literacy levels H Jae, DS DelVecchio, TL Childers Journal of Consumer Psychology 21 (3), 312-323, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
The impact of power distance belief on consumers' brand preferences JJ Wang, AK Lalwani, D DelVecchio International Journal of Research in Marketing 39 (3), 804-823, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
Mode matters: an exemplar‐prototype hybrid (EPH) model of reference price formation D DelVecchio, AW Craig Journal of Product & Brand Management 17 (4), 272-279, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
The face of the brand: Spokesperson facial width‐to‐height ratio predicts brand personality judgments JC Deska, ST Hingston, D DelVecchio, EP Stenstrom, RJ Walker, ... Psychology & Marketing 39 (8), 1487-1503, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Consumer aliteracy DS DelVecchio, H Jae, JL Ferguson Psychology & Marketing 36 (2), 89-101, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
‘Meaningful marketing’: A process investigation of how consumers reward noninterruptive, nonpersuasive marketing communication S Puligadda, D DelVecchio, B Gilbreath Journal of Marketing Communications 20 (5), 325-338, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Chapter Fifteen Moving Beyond Race: The Role of Ethnic Identity in Evaluating Celebrity Endorsers D DelVecchio, RC Goodstein Diversity in Advertising: Broadening the Scope of Research Directions, 2004 | 10 | 2004 |