Alexandru Petrescu
Alexandru Petrescu
Associate Professor, Ecole des Mines
inria.frÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀÎµÊ - ȨÆäÀÌÁö
Many-body quantum electrodynamics networks: Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with light
K Le Hur, L Henriet, A Petrescu, K Plekhanov, G Roux, M Schiró
Comptes Rendus Physique 17 (8), 808-835, 2016
Bosonic Mott insulator with Meissner currents
A Petrescu, K Le Hur
Physical Review Letters 111 (15), 150601, 2013
Anomalous Hall effects of light and chiral edge modes on the Kagomé lattice
A Petrescu, AA Houck, K Le Hur
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (5), 053804, 2012
Chiral Mott insulators, Meissner effect, and Laughlin states in quantum ladders
A Petrescu, K Le Hur
Physical Review B 91 (5), 054520, 2015
Dynamics of transmon ionization
R Shillito, A Petrescu, J Cohen, J Beall, M Hauru, M Ganahl, AGM Lewis, ...
arXiv:2203.11235, 2022
Cutoff-free circuit quantum electrodynamics
M Malekakhlagh, A Petrescu, HE Türeci
Physical review letters 119 (7), 073601, 2017
Precursor of the Laughlin state of hard-core bosons on a two-leg ladder
A Petrescu, M Piraud, G Roux, IP McCulloch, K Le Hur
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014524, 2017
Chiral bosonic phases on the Haldane honeycomb lattice
I Vasić, A Petrescu, K Le Hur, W Hofstetter
Physical Review B 91 (9), 094502, 2015
Reminiscence of classical chaos in driven transmons
J Cohen, A Petrescu, R Shillito, A Blais
arXiv:2207.09361, 2022
Lifetime renormalization of driven weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: II. The readout problem
A Petrescu, M Malekakhlagh, HE Tureci
Phys. Rev. B 101, 134510, 2020
Driven dissipative dynamics and topology of quantum impurity systems
K Le Hur, L Henriet, L Herviou, K Plekhanov, A Petrescu, T Goren, ...
Comptes Rendus Physique 19 (6), 451-483, 2018
Fluctuations and entanglement spectrum in quantum Hall states
A Petrescu, HF Song, S Rachel, Z Ristivojevic, C Flindt, N Laflorencie, ...
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (10), P10005, 2014
Accurate methods for the analysis of strong-drive effects in parametric gates
A Petrescu, C Le Calonnec, C Leroux, A Di Paolo, P Mundada, ...
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 044003, 2021
Lifetime renormalization of weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: I. Role of number non-conserving terms
M Malekakhlagh, A Petrescu, HE Türeci
Phys. Rev. B 101, 134509, 2020
Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in an open multimode resonator
M Malekakhlagh, A Petrescu, HE Türeci
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063848, 2016
Operating in a deep underground facility improves the locking of gradiometric fluxonium qubits at the sweet spots
D Gusenkova, F Valenti, M Spiecker, S Günzler, P Paluch, D Rieger, ...
Applied Physics Letters 120 (5), 2022
Engineering, control and longitudinal readout of Floquet qubits
A Gandon, CL Calonnec, R Shillito, A Petrescu, A Blais
arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11260v1, 2021
Emergent chiral spin state in the mott phase of a bosonic kane-mele-hubbard model
K Plekhanov, I Vasić, A Petrescu, R Nirwan, G Roux, W Hofstetter, ...
Physical review letters 120 (15), 157201, 2018
From topological superconductivity to quantum Hall states in coupled wires
F Yang, V Perrin, A Petrescu, I Garate, K Le Hur
Physical Review B 101 (8), 085116, 2020
Fluxon-based quantum simulation in circuit QED
A Petrescu, HE Türeci, AV Ustinov, IM Pop
Physical Review B 98 (17), 174505, 2018
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