Eric J. Gonzales
Eric J. Gonzales
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Macroscopic relations of urban traffic variables: Bifurcations, multivaluedness and instability
CF Daganzo, VV Gayah, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (1), 278-288, 2011
Morning commute with competing modes and distributed demand: user equilibrium, system optimum, and pricing
EJ Gonzales, CF Daganzo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (10), 1519-1534, 2012
Demand responsive transit systems with time-dependent demand: User equilibrium, system optimum, and management strategy
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 92, 234-252, 2016
The potential of parsimonious models for understanding large scale transportation systems and answering big picture questions
CF Daganzo, VV Gayah, EJ Gonzales
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 1 (1-2), 47-65, 2012
Multimodal transport in Nairobi, Kenya: Insights and recommendations with a macroscopic evidence-based model
E Gonzales, C Chavis, Y Li, CF Daganzo
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011
Modeling taxi trip demand by time of day in New York City
C Yang, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Record 2429 (1), 110-120, 2014
The evening commute with cars and transit: Duality results and user equilibrium for the combined morning and evening peaks
EJ Gonzales, CF Daganzo
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 80, 249-265, 2013
Costs and benefits of a road diet conversion
RB Noland, D Gao, EJ Gonzales, C Brown
Case studies on transport policy 3 (4), 449-458, 2015
System modeling of demand responsive transportation services: Evaluating cost efficiency of service and coordinated taxi usage
M Rahimi, M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 112, 66-83, 2018
Modeling taxi demand and supply in New York city using large-scale taxi GPS data
C Yang, EJ Gonzales
Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban …, 2017
On the allocation of city space to multiple transport modes
EJ Gonzales, N Geroliminis, MJ Cassidy, CF Daganzo
Transportation planning and technology 33 (8), 643-656, 2010
Coordinated pricing for cars and transit in cities with hypercongestion
EJ Gonzales
Economics of Transportation 4 (1-2), 64-81, 2015
Estimation of left behind subway passengers through archived data and video image processing
C Sipetas, A Keklikoglou, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 118, 102727, 2020
Modeling taxi demand with GPS data from taxis and transit.
EJ Gonzales, C Yang, EF Morgul, K Ozbay, ...
Mineta National Transit Research Consortium, 2014
Analytical model for vehicle emissions at signalized intersection: Integrating traffic and microscopic emissions models
R Shabihkhani, EJ Gonzales
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
An advanced traveler navigation system adapted to route choice preferences of the individual users
M Amirgholy, N Golshani, C Schneider, EJ Gonzales, HO Gao
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 6 (4), 240-254, 2017
Analytical equilibrium of bicriterion choices with heterogeneous user preferences: application to the morning commute problem
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 5 (4), 450-482, 2017
Empirical investigation of the emission-macroscopic fundamental diagram
E Barmpounakis, M Montesinos-Ferrer, EJ Gonzales, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 101, 103090, 2021
Evaluating potential demand and operational effects of coordinated Americans with disabilities act paratransit and taxi service
V Turmo, M Rahimi, EJ Gonzales, P Armstrong
Transportation Research Record 2672 (8), 686-697, 2018
Efficient frontier of route choice for modeling the equilibrium under travel time variability with heterogeneous traveler preferences
M Amirgholy, EJ Gonzales
Economics of transportation 11, 1-14, 2017
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Articles 1–20