Claude Barras
Claude Barras
LIMSI Université Paris-Sud
limsi.fr의 이메일 확인됨
Transcriber: development and use of a tool for assisting speech corpora production
C Barras, E Geoffrois, Z Wu, M Liberman
Speech Communication 33 (1-2), 5-22, 2001
Multistage speaker diarization of broadcast news
C Barras, X Zhu, S Meignier, JL Gauvain
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (5), 1505-1512, 2006
Transcriber: a free tool for segmenting, labeling and transcribing speech.
C Barras, E Geoffrois, Z Wu, M Liberman
LREC 98, 28-30, 1998
Feature and score normalization for speaker verification of cellular data
C Barras, JL Gauvain
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Combining speaker identification and BIC for speaker diarization
X Zhu, C Barras, S Meignier, JL Gauvain
Interspeech'05, 4, 2005
LSTM based similarity measurement with spectral clustering for speaker diarization
Q Lin, R Yin, M Li, H Bredin, C Barras
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.10393, 2019
Improving speaker diarization
C Barras, X Zhu, S Meignier, JL Gauvain
Speaker change detection in broadcast tv using bidirectional long short-term memory networks
R Yin, H Bredin, C Barras
Interspeech 2017, 2017
Constrained MLLR for speaker recognition
M Ferras, CC Leung, C Barras, JL Gauvain
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
Neural speech turn segmentation and affinity propagation for speaker diarization
R Yin, H Bredin, C Barras
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2018
Unsupervised speaker identification using overlaid texts in TV broadcast
J Poignant, H Bredin, VB Le, L Besacier, C Barras, G Quénot
Interspeech 2012-Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2012
Comparison of speaker adaptation methods as feature extraction for SVM-based speaker recognition
M Ferras, CC Leung, C Barras, JL Gauvain
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 18 (6), 1366-1378, 2009
A quantitative study of disfluencies in French broadcast interviews.
PB de Mareüil, B Habert, F Bénard, M Adda-Decker, C Barras, G Adda, ...
DiSS, 27-32, 2005
Impact of overlapping speech detection on speaker diarization for broadcast news and debates
D Charlet, C Barras, JS Liénard
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Speaker diarization: From broadcast news to lectures
X Zhu, C Barras, L Lamel, JL Gauvain
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Third International Workshop …, 2006
Multi-stage speaker diarization for conference and lecture meetings
X Zhu, C Barras, L Lamel, JL Gauvain
International Evaluation Workshop on Rich Transcription, 533-542, 2007
Comparing multi-stage approaches for cross-show speaker diarization
VA Tran, VB Le, C Barras, L Lamel
Interspeech 2011, 2011
Unsupervised online adaptation for speaker verification over the telephone
C Barras, S Meignier, JL Gauvain
ODYSSEY04-The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2004
A disfluency study for cleaning spontaneous speech automatic transcripts and improving speech language models
M Adda-Decker, B Habert, C Barras, G Adda, PB Mareuil, P Paroubek
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 2003
Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews
M Adda-Decker, C Barras, G Adda, P Paroubek, PB de Mareüil, B Habert
LREC 2008, 2008
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