Xinhua Peng
Xinhua Peng
University of Science and Technology of China
Measuring out-of-time-order correlators on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator
J Li, R Fan, H Wang, B Ye, B Zeng, H Zhai, X Peng, J Du
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031011, 2017
Hybrid quantum-classical approach to quantum optimal control
J Li, X Yang, X Peng, CP Sun
Physical review letters 118 (15), 150503, 2017
NMR Implementation of a Molecular Hydrogen Quantum Simulation<? format?> with Adiabatic State Preparation
J Du, N Xu, X Peng, P Wang, S Wu, D Lu
Physical review letters 104 (3), 030502, 2010
Experimental implementation of remote state preparation by nuclear magnetic resonance
X Peng, X Zhu, X Fang, M Feng, M Liu, K Gao
Physics Letters A 306 (5-6), 271-276, 2003
Quantum factorization of 143 on a dipolar-coupling nuclear magnetic resonance system
N Xu, J Zhu, D Lu, X Zhou, X Peng, J Du
Physical review letters 108 (13), 130501, 2012
Quantum adiabatic algorithm for factorization and its experimental implementation
X Peng, Z Liao, N Xu, G Qin, X Zhou, D Suter, J Du
Physical review letters 101 (22), 220405, 2008
Experimental observation of Lee-Yang zeros
X Peng, H Zhou, BB Wei, J Cui, J Du, RB Liu
Physical review letters 114 (1), 010601, 2015
Quantum image processing and its application to edge detection: theory and experiment
XW Yao, H Wang, Z Liao, MC Chen, J Pan, J Li, K Zhang, X Lin, Z Wang, ...
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031041, 2017
Room-Temperature Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm<? format?> with a Single Electronic Spin in Diamond
F Shi, X Rong, N Xu, Y Wang, J Wu, B Chong, X Peng, J Kniepert, ...
Physical review letters 105 (4), 040504, 2010
Performance comparison of dynamical decoupling sequences for a qubit in a rapidly fluctuating spin bath
GA Alvarez, A Ajoy, X Peng, D Suter
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 042306, 2010
Experimental realization of quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations
J Pan, Y Cao, X Yao, Z Li, C Ju, H Chen, X Peng, S Kais, J Du
Physical Review A 89 (2), 022313, 2014
Quantum simulation of a system with competing two-and three-body interactions
X Peng, J Zhang, J Du, D Suter
Physical review letters 103 (14), 140501, 2009
Quantum phase transition of ground-state entanglement in a Heisenberg spin chain simulated in an NMR quantum computer
X Peng, J Du, D Suter
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (1), 012307, 2005
Detection of quantum critical points by a probe qubit
J Zhang, X Peng, N Rajendran, D Suter
Physical review letters 100 (10), 100501, 2008
Search for axion-like dark matter with spin-based amplifiers
M Jiang, H Su, A Garcon, X Peng, D Budker
Nature Physics 17 (12), 1402-1407, 2021
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
B Cheng, XH Deng, X Gu, Y He, G Hu, P Huang, J Li, BC Lin, D Lu, Y Lu, ...
Frontiers of Physics 18 (2), 21308, 2023
Simulation of chemical isomerization reaction dynamics on a NMR quantum simulator
D Lu, N Xu, R Xu, H Chen, J Gong, X Peng, J Du
Physical review letters 107 (2), 020501, 2011
Solving quantum ground-state problems with nuclear magnetic resonance
Z Li, MH Yung, H Chen, D Lu, JD Whitfield, X Peng, A Aspuru-Guzik, J Du
Scientific reports 1 (1), 88, 2011
Single-loop and composite-loop realization of nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates in a decoherence-free subspace
Z Zhu, T Chen, X Yang, J Bian, ZY Xue, X Peng
Physical Review Applied 12 (2), 024024, 2019
An efficient exact quantum algorithm for the integer square-free decomposition problem
J Li, X Peng, J Du, D Suter
Scientific reports 2 (1), 260, 2012
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