Soojin Cho
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Cited by
Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using smart sensor technology: deployment and evaluation
S Jang, H Jo, S Cho, K Mechitov, JA Rice, SH Sim, HJ Jung, CB Yun, ...
Smart Structures and Systems 6 (5-6), 439-459, 2010
Automated Vision-Based Detection of Cracks on Concrete Surfaces Using a Deep Learning Technique
B Kim, S Cho
Sensors 18 (10), 3452, 2018
Image‐based concrete crack assessment using mask and region‐based convolutional neural network
B Kim, S Cho
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26 (8), e2381, 2019
Concrete Crack Identification Using a UAV Incorporating Hybrid Image Processing
H Kim, J Lee, E Ahn, S Cho, M Shin, SH Sim
Sensors 17 (9), 2052, 2017
Smart wireless sensor technology for structural health monitoring of civil structures
S Cho, CB Yun, JP Lynch, AT Zimmerman, BF Spencer Jr, T Nagayama
International Journal of Steel Structures 8 (4), 267-275, 2008
Comparative analysis of image binarization methods for crack identification in concrete structures
H Kim, E Ahn, S Cho, M Shin, SH Sim
Cement and Concrete Research 99, 53-61, 2017
Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using wireless smart sensor technology: data analyses
S Cho, H Jo, S Jang, J Park, HJ Jung, CB Yun, BF Spencer, JW Seo
Smart Structures and Systems 6 (5-6), 461-480, 2010
Concrete crack assessment using digital image processing and 3D scene reconstruction
YF Liu, S Cho, BF Spencer Jr, JS Fan
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 30 (1), 04014124, 2014
Development and application of a vision-based displacement measurement system for structural health monitoring of civil structures
JJ Lee, Y Fukuda, M Shinozuka, S Cho, C Yun
Smart Structures and Systems 3 (3), 373-384, 2007
Automated crack evaluation of a high‐rise bridge pier using a ring‐type climbing robot
K Jang, YK An, B Kim, S Cho
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (1), 14-29, 2021
Comparative Field Study of Cable Tension Measurement for a Cable-Stayed Bridge
S Cho, J Yim, SW Shin, HJ Jung, CB Yun, ML Wang
Journal of Bridge Engineering 18 (8), 748-757, 2013
Dynamic Assessment of Timber Railroad Bridges Using Displacements
F Moreu, H Jo, J Li, RE Kim, S Cho, A Kimmle, S Scola, H Le, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (10), 04014114, 2014
Computer Vision-Based Structural Displacement Measurement Robust to Light-Induced Image Degradation for In-Service Bridges
J Lee, KC Lee, S Cho, SH Sim
Sensors 17 (10), 2317, 2017
Recent advances in wireless smart sensors for multi-scale monitoring and control of civil infrastructure
BF Spencer, H Jo, KA Mechitov, J Li, SH Sim, RE Kim, S Cho, ...
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 6 (1), 17-41, 2016
Automated assessment of cracks on concrete surfaces using adaptive digital image processing
Y Liu, S Cho, BF Spencer, J Fan
Smart Structures and Systems 14 (4), 719-741, 2014
A wireless smart sensor network for automated monitoring of cable tension
SH Sim, J Li, H Jo, JW Park, S Cho, BF Spencer Jr, HJ Jung
Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2), 025006, 2014
Development of an automated wireless tension force estimation system for cable-stayed bridges
S Cho, JP Lynch, JJ Lee, CB Yun
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 21 (1), 361-375, 2009
A new multi-objective approach to finite element model updating
SS Jin, S Cho, HJ Jung, JJ Lee, CB Yun
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (11), 2323-2338, 2014
Automated Multiple Concrete Damage Detection Using Instance Segmentation Deep Learning Model
B Kim, S Cho
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8008, 2020
Displacement estimation of bridge structures using data fusion of acceleration and strain measurement incorporating finite element model
S Cho, CB Yun, SH Sim
Smart Structures and Systems 15 (3), 645-663, 2015
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Articles 1–20