Sung Sik Park
Sung Sik Park
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University
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Numerical modeling of liquefaction and comparison with centrifuge tests
PM Byrne, SS Park, M Beaty, M Sharp, L Gonzalez, T Abdoun
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 41 (2), 193-211, 2004
Unconfined compressive strength and ductility of fiber-reinforced cemented sand
SS Park
Construction and building materials 25 (2), 1134-1138, 2011
Effect of fiber reinforcement and distribution on unconfined compressive strength of fiber-reinforced cemented sand
SS Park
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2), 162-166, 2009
Methods for calcium carbonate content measurement of biocemented soils
SG Choi, SS Park, S Wu, J Chu
Journal of materials in civil engineering 29 (11), 06017015, 2017
Effect of plant-induced calcite precipitation on the strength of sand
SS Park, SG Choi, IH Nam
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (8), 06014017, 2014
Liquefaction resistance of sands containing plastic fines with different plasticity
SS Park, YS Kim
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 139 (5), 825-830, 2013
Application of various yolo models for computer vision-based real-time pothole detection
SS Park, VT Tran, DE Lee
Applied Sciences 11 (23), 11229, 2021
Calcite precipitation by ureolytic plant (Canavalia ensiformis) extracts as effective biomaterials
IH Nam, CM Chon, KY Jung, SG Choi, H Choi, SS Park
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 19, 1620-1625, 2015
Effect of wetting on unconfined compressive strength of cemented sands
SS Park
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 136 (12), 1713-1720, 2010
Effect of cyclic loading frequency on liquefaction prediction of sand
Z Nong, SS Park, SW Jeong, DE Lee
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4502, 2020
Stress densification and its evaluation
SS Park, PM Byrne
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 41 (1), 181-186, 2004
Comparison of sand liquefaction in cyclic triaxial and simple shear tests
ZZ Nong, SS Park, DE Lee
Soils and Foundations 61 (4), 1071-1085, 2021
Effect of vertical effective and initial static shear stresses on the liquefaction resistance of sands in cyclic direct simple shear tests
SS Park, ZZ Nong, DE Lee
Soils and Foundations 60 (6), 1588-1607, 2020
Seismic liquefaction: centrifuge and numerical modeling
PM Byrne, SS Park, M Beaty
Proceedings of 3rd International FLAC Symposium, Sudbury, 2003
Crushing characteristics of a recycled aggregate from waste concrete
SS Park, SJ Kim, KQ Chen, YJ Lee, SB Lee
Construction and Building Materials 160, 100-105, 2018
Liquefaction resistance of Pohang sand
SS Park, ZZ Nong, SW Woo
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of ¡¦, 2019
Rapid post-earthquake structural damage assessment using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning
PD Ogunjinmi, SS Park, B Kim, DE Lee
Sensors 22 (9), 3471, 2022
Unconfined compressive strength of cemented sand reinforced with short fibers
SS Park, YS Kim, SG Choi, SE Shin
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research 28 (4C), 213-220, 2008
Practical constitutive model for soil liquefaction
SS Park, PM Byrne
9th International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, NUMOG 2004 ¡¦, 2004
Effect of biomineralization on the strength of cemented sands
SS Park, WJ Kim, JC Lee
Journal of the Korean geotechnical society 27 (5), 75-84, 2011
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Articles 1–20