Grigory Kabatiansky
Grigory Kabatiansky
Other namesGrigory Kabatyansky
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Handbook of discrete and computational geometry
CD Toth, J O'Rourke, JE Goodman
CRC press, 2017
On bounds for packings on a sphere and in space
GA Kabatiansky, VI Levenshtein
Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 14 (1), 3-25, 1978
Digital fingerprinting codes: Problem statements, constructions, identification of traitors
A Barg, GR Blakley, GA Kabatiansky
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (4), 852-865, 2003
On families of hash functions via geometric codes and concatenation
J Bierbrauer, T Johansson, GA Kabatianski, B Smeets
Crypto'93 773, 331-342, 1994
Error correcting coding and security for data networks: analysis of the superchannel concept
G Kabatiansky, E Krouk, S. Semenov
Information hiding by coverings
F Galand, G Kabatiansky
Proceedings 2003 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Cat. No. 03EX674), 151-154, 2003
A hypergraph approach to the identifying parent property: the case of multiple parents
A Barg, G Cohen, S Encheva, G Kabatiansky, G Zémor
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 14 (3), 423-431, 2001
A digital signature scheme based on random error-correcting codes
G Kabatianskii, E Krouk, B Smeets
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1355, 161-167, 1997
On the relation between A-codes and codes correcting independent errors
T Johansson, GA Kabatianski, B Smeets
Eurocrypt-93, Advances in Cryptology 765, 1994
On the cardinality of systematic authentication codes via error-correcting codes
GA Kabatianskii, B Smeets, T Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42 (2), 566-578, 1996
Linear algebra approach to secret sharing schemes
GR Blakley, GA Kabatianskii
Workshop on Information Protection, 33-40, 1993
A class of IPP codes with efficient identification
A Barg, G Kabatiansky
Journal of complexity 20 (2-3), 137-147, 2004
List decoding of Reed-Muller codes up to the Johnson bound with almost linear complexity
I Dumer, G Kabatiansky, C Tavernier
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 138-142, 2006
Unit Sphere Packings and Coverings of the Hamming Space
VIP G. A. Kabatiansky
Probl. Peredachi Inf. 24 (4), 3-16, 1988
Ideal perfect threshold schemes and MDS codes
GR Blakley, GA Kabatianski
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 488, 1995
List decoding of second order Reed-Muller codes
G Kabatiansky, C Tavernier
Proc. 8th Intern. Simp. Comm. Theory and Applications, Ambleside, UK, 2005
The Mastermind game and the rigidity of the Hamming space
G Kabatianski, V Lebedev, J Thorpe
2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (Cat. No. 00CH37060 …, 2000
Trust and security: A new look at the Byzantine generals problem.
M Burmester, Y Desmedt, G Kabatianskii
Network Threats, 75-83, 1996
Signature codes for weighted noisy adder channel, multimedia fingerprinting and compressed sensing
E Egorova, M Fernandez, G Kabatiansky, MH Lee
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87, 455-462, 2019
Random coding technique for digital fingerprinting codes: fighting two pirates revisited
GR Blakley, G Kabatiansky
International Symposium onInformation Theory, 2004. ISIT 2004. Proceedings., 203, 2004
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Articles 1–20