Yaw Adu-Gyamfi
Cited by
Cited by
Automated road crack detection using deep convolutional neural networks
V Mandal, L Uong, Y Adu-Gyamfi
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5212-5215, 2018
Deep machine learning approach to develop a new asphalt pavement condition index
H Majidifard, Y Adu-Gyamfi, WG Buttlar
Construction and building materials 247, 118513, 2020
Pavement image datasets: A new benchmark dataset to classify and densify pavement distresses
H Majidifard, P Jin, Y Adu-Gyamfi, WG Buttlar
Transportation Research Record 2674 (2), 328-339, 2020
Traffic congestion detection from camera images using deep convolution neural networks
P Chakraborty, YO Adu-Gyamfi, S Poddar, V Ahsani, A Sharma, S Sarkar
Transportation Research Record 2672 (45), 222-231, 2018
Real-time multi-class helmet violation detection using few-shot data sampling technique and yolov8
A Aboah, B Wang, U Bagci, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
A vision-based system for traffic anomaly detection using deep learning and decision trees
A Aboah
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Automated vehicle recognition with deep convolutional neural networks
YO Adu-Gyamfi, SK Asare, A Sharma, T Titus
Transportation Research Record 2645 (1), 113-122, 2017
Deep learning frameworks for pavement distress classification: A comparative analysis
V Mandal, AR Mussah, Y Adu-Gyamfi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5577-5583, 2020
Artificial intelligence-enabled traffic monitoring system
V Mandal, AR Mussah, P Jin, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Sustainability 12 (21), 9177, 2020
Object detection and tracking algorithms for vehicle counting: a comparative analysis
V Mandal, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Journal of big data analytics in transportation 2 (3), 251-261, 2020
Indigenous beliefs and practices in ecosystem conservation: Response of the church: Church and environment
Y Adu-Gyamfi
Scriptura: Journal for Contextual Hermeneutics in Southern Africa 107 (1 …, 2011
A survey on driver behavior analysis from in-vehicle cameras
J Wang, W Chai, A Venkatachalapathy, KL Tan, A Haghighat, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 10186-10209, 2021
Synthesis of national and international methodologies used for bridge health indices
SB Chase, Y Adu-Gyamfi, AE Aktan, E Minaie
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2016
Multiresolution information mining for pavement crack image analysis
YO Adu-Gyamfi, NOA Okine, G Garateguy, R Carrillo, GR Arce
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 26 (6), 741-749, 2012
Smartphone-based pavement roughness estimation using deep learning with entity embedding
A Aboah, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis 12 (03n04), 2050007, 2020
A region-based deep learning approach to automated retail checkout
M Shoman, A Aboah, A Morehead, Y Duan, A Daud, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Deep learning framework for predicting bus delays on multiple routes using heterogenous datasets
M Shoman, A Aboah, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation 2, 275-290, 2020
Framework for evaluating the reliability of wide-area probe data
YO Adu-Gyamfi, A Sharma, S Knickerbocker, N Hawkins, M Jackson
Transportation Research Record 2643 (1), 93-104, 2017
Functional evaluation of pavement condition using a complete vision system
YO Adu-Gyamfi, T Tienaah, NO Attoh-Okine, C Kambhamettu
Journal of Transportation Engineering 140 (9), 04014040, 2014
Reliability of probe speed data for detecting congestion trends
Y Adu-Gyamfi, A Sharma, S Knickerbocker, N Hawkins, M Jackson
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
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