Jiangping Hu
Jiangping Hu
Insitutute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Theory of electron nematic order in LaFeAsO
C Fang, H Yao, WF Tsai, JP Hu, SA Kivelson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (22), 224509, 2008
Interface-induced superconductivity and strain-dependent spin density waves in FeSe/SrTiO3 thin films
S Tan, Y Zhang, M Xia, Z Ye, F Chen, X Xie, R Peng, D Xu, Q Fan, H Xu, ...
Nature materials 12 (7), 634-640, 2013
First-order magnetic and structural phase transitions in
S Li, C de La Cruz, Q Huang, Y Chen, JW Lynn, J Hu, YL Huang, FC Hsu, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (5), 054503, 2009
Universal mechanical exfoliation of large-area 2D crystals
Y Huang, YH Pan, R Yang, LH Bao, L Meng, HL Luo, YQ Cai, GD Liu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2453, 2020
Magnetism and its microscopic origin in iron-based high-temperature superconductors
P Dai, J Hu, E Dagotto
Nature Physics 8 (10), 709-718, 2012
Electronic origin of high-temperature superconductivity in single-layer FeSe superconductor
D Liu, W Zhang, D Mou, J He, YB Ou, QY Wang, Z Li, L Wang, L Zhao, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 931, 2012
A four-dimensional generalization of the quantum Hall effect
SC Zhang, J Hu
Science 294 (5543), 823-828, 2001
Nodeless superconducting gap in AxFe2Se2 (A=K,Cs) revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Y Zhang, LX Yang, M Xu, ZR Ye, F Chen, C He, HC Xu, J Jiang, BP Xie, ...
Nature materials 10 (4), 273-277, 2011
Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in CaFe2As2
J Zhao, DT Adroja, DX Yao, R Bewley, S Li, XF Wang, G Wu, XH Chen, ...
Nature Physics 5 (8), 555-560, 2009
Pairing symmetry in a two-orbital exchange coupling model of oxypnictides
K Seo, BA Bernevig, J Hu
Physical review letters 101 (20), 206404, 2008
Non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence and auxiliary generalized Brillouin zone theory
Z Yang, K Zhang, C Fang, J Hu
Physical Review Letters 125 (22), 226402, 2020
Exact SO(5) Symmetry in the Spin- Fermionic System
C Wu, J Hu, S Zhang
Physical Review Letters 91 (18), 186402, 2003
Double Superconducting Dome and Triple Enhancement of in the Kagome Superconductor under High Pressure
KY Chen, NN Wang, QW Yin, YH Gu, K Jiang, ZJ Tu, CS Gong, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (24), 247001, 2021
First-Principles Calculations of the Electronic Structure of Tetragonal -FeTe <?format ?>and -FeSe Crystals: Evidence for a Bicollinear Antiferromagnetic Order
F Ma, W Ji, J Hu, ZY Lu, T Xiang
Physical review letters 102 (17), 177003, 2009
Phase separation and magnetic order in K-doped iron selenide superconductor
W Li, H Ding, P Deng, K Chang, C Song, K He, L Wang, X Ma, JP Hu, ...
Nature Physics 8 (2), 126-130, 2012
Bilayer Splitting in the Electronic Structure of Heavily Overdoped
DL Feng, NP Armitage, DH Lu, A Damascelli, JP Hu, P Bogdanov, ...
Physical review letters 86 (24), 5550, 2001
Chiral flux phase in the Kagome superconductor AV3Sb5
X Feng, K Jiang, Z Wang, J Hu
Science bulletin 66 (14), 1384-1388, 2021
Spin and lattice structures of single-crystalline
J Zhao, W Ratcliff, JW Lynn, GF Chen, JL Luo, NL Wang, J Hu, P Dai
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (14), 140504, 2008
Inelastic Neutron-Scattering Measurements of a Three-Dimensional Spin Resonance <?format ?>in the FeAs-Based Superconductor
S Chi, A Schneidewind, J Zhao, LW Harriger, L Li, Y Luo, G Cao, Z Xu, ...
Physical review letters 102 (10), 107006, 2009
Observation of a robust zero-energy bound state in iron-based superconductor Fe (Te, Se)
JX Yin, Z Wu, JH Wang, ZY Ye, J Gong, XY Hou, L Shan, A Li, XJ Liang, ...
Nature Physics 11 (7), 543-546, 2015
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Articles 1–20