Paul Rostron
Cited by
Cited by
Raman spectroscopy, review
P Rostron, S Gaber, D Gaber
laser 21, 24, 2016
Hydrogen induced cracking of pipeline and pressure vessel steels: A review
G Ghosh, P Rostron, R Garg, A Panday
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 199, 609-618, 2018
Strain based FBG sensor for real-time corrosion rate monitoring in pre-stressed structures
K Al Handawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron, L Lawand, O Shiryayev
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 236, 276-285, 2016
Curing kinetics and mechanical properties of epoxy based coatings: The influence of added solvent
C Yi, P Rostron, N Vahdati, E Gunister, A Alfantazi
Progress in Organic Coatings 124, 165-174, 2018
Liquid crystalline behaviour of some azobenzene dyes
D Campbell, LR Dix, P Rostron
Dyes and pigments 29 (1), 77-83, 1995
Critical review of pipeline scale measurement technologies
P Rostron
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11 (17), 1-18, 2018
External corrosion detection of oil pipelines using fiber optics
N Vahdati, X Wang, O Shiryayev, P Rostron, FF Yap
Sensors 20 (3), 684, 2020
Synthesis of poly vinyl ethers with pendant non-linear optical azo dyes
D Campbell, LR Dix, P Rostron
European polymer journal 29 (2-3), 249-253, 1993
Novel synthesis and characterization of vegetable oil derived corrosion inhibitors
P Rostron, H Aoudi, S Kasshanna
NACE CORROSION, NACE-2017-9712, 2017
Detection of internal metal loss in steel pipes and storage tanks via magnetic-based fiber optic sensor
S Almahmoud, O Shiryayev, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors 18 (3), 815, 2018
Measurement of local galvanic surface corrosion using scanning electrochemical microscopy on ductile cast iron
T Nickchi, P Rostron, I Barsoum, A Alfantazi
Journal of materials science 54, 9213-9221, 2019
Corrosivity sensor for exposed pipelines based on wireless energy transfer
L Lawand, O Shiryayev, K Al Handawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors 17 (6), 1238, 2017
Flow velocity and sand loading effect on erosion–corrosion during liquid-solid impingement on mild steel
MS Parancheerivilakkathil, S Parapurath, S Ainane, YF Yap, P Rostron
Applied Sciences 12 (5), 2530, 2022
Parametric study of the corrosion of API-5L-X65 QT steel using potentiostat based measurements in a flow loop
A Ravikumar, P Rostron, N Vahdati, O Shiryayev
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 444, 2021
Electrochemical comparative study of Q235 steel and 304 SS in simulated concrete pore solutions and the effect of chloride ions on their corrosion behavior
B Lin, Y Zuo, Y Tang, X Zhao, P Rostron
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 14 (3), 3081-3094, 2019
Corrosivity monitoring system using RFID-based sensors
L Lawand, O Shiryayev, KB Alhandawi, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2016
Novel synthesis of vegetable oil derived corrosion inhibitors
P Rostron, S Kasshanna
International Journal of Corrosion 2015 (1), 851698, 2015
Feasibility of magnetic fiber-optic based corrosion sensor
S Almahmoud, O Shiryayev, N Vahdati, P Rostron
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2017
Atmospheric corrosion issues in Abu Dhabi
P Rostron, C Belbarak
Mater. Perform 54, 1-7, 2015
Effect of radial expansion of Cr-Mo steel tubes on their corrosion behavior in sea water
AC Seibi, P Rostron, A Elramady, B Mishra, O Al Nazer, S Al Ameri
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
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Articles 1–20