Alejandro Zentner
Alejandro Zentner
Naveen Jindal School of Management - The University of Texas at Dallas
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Cited by
Measuring the effect of file sharing on music purchases
A Zentner
The Journal of Law and Economics 49 (1), 63-90, 2006
How video rental patterns change as consumers move online
A Zentner, M Smith, C Kaya
Management Science 59 (11), 2622-2634, 2013
Clash of the titans: Does internet use reduce television viewing?
SJ Liebowitz, A Zentner
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (1), 234-245, 2012
File sharing and international sales of copyrighted music: An empirical analysis with a panel of countries
A Zentner
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 5 (1), 0000101515153806531452, 2005
Online and offline retailing: What we know and directions for future research
B Ratchford, G Soysal, A Zentner, DK Gauri
Journal of Retailing 98 (1), 152-177, 2022
Measuring the effect of online music piracy on music sales
A Zentner
University of Chicago working paper, 2003
Online sales, Internet use, file sharing, and the decline of retail music specialty stores
A Zentner
Information economics and policy 20 (3), 288-300, 2008
The $100 million nudge: Increasing tax compliance of firms using a natural field experiment
JE Holz, JA List, A Zentner, M Cardoza, JE Zentner
Journal of Public Economics 218, 104779, 2023
Internet adoption and the survival of print newspapers: A country-level examination
D Cho, MD Smith, A Zentner
Information Economics and Policy 37, 13-19, 2016
Internet adoption and advertising expenditures on traditional media: An empirical analysis using a panel of countries
A Zentner
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21 (4), 913-926, 2012
Las finanzas provinciales y el ciclo económico
HLP Piffano, J Sanguinetti, A Zentner
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Institucional, 1998
My taxes are too darn high: Why do households protest their taxes?
BC Nathan, R Perez-Truglia, A Zentner
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Measuring the impact of file sharing on the movie industry: An empirical analysis using a panel of countries
A Zentner
Available at SSRN 1792615, 2010
Where do my tax dollars go? tax morale effects of perceived government spending
M Giaccobasso, BC Nathan, R Perez-Truglia, A Zentner
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Physical stores in the digital age: How store closures affect consumer churn
G Soysal, A Zentner, Z Zheng
Production and Operations Management 28 (11), 2778-2791, 2019
Kelly criterion for multivariate portfolios: A model-free approach
V Nekrasov
Available at SSRN 2259133, 2014
Multichannel customer purchase behavior and long tail effects in the fashion goods market
B Ratchford, G Soysal, A Zentner
Journal of Retailing 99 (1), 46-65, 2023
Ten years of file sharing and its effect on international physical and digital music sales
A Zentner
Available at SSRN 1724444, 2009
Role of monetary incentives in the digital and physical inter-border labor flows
J Gong, Y Hong, A Zentner
Journal of management information systems 35 (3), 866-899, 2018
Measuring the effect of internet adoption on paper consumption
LA Andres, A Zentner, J Zentner
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
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Articles 1–20