Viktor Zamaraev
Viktor Zamaraev
liverpool.ac.ukÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀÎµÊ - ȨÆäÀÌÁö
Deleting edges to restrict the size of an epidemic in temporal networks
J Enright, K Meeks, GB Mertzios, V Zamaraev
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 119, 60-77, 2021
Temporal vertex cover with a sliding time window
EC Akrida, GB Mertzios, PG Spirakis, V Zamaraev
Journal of Computer and System Sciences Volume, 108--123, 2020
Computing maximum matchings in temporal graphs
GB Mertzios, H Molter, R Niedermeier, V Zamaraev, P Zschoche
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 137, 1-19, 2023
Sliding window temporal graph coloring
GB Mertzios, H Molter, V Zamaraev
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 120, 97-115, 2021
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Implicit representations and factorial properties of graphs
A Atminas, A Collins, V Lozin, V Zamaraev
Discrete Mathematics 338 (2), 164-179, 2015
Sharp thresholds in random simple temporal graphs
A Casteigts, M Raskin, M Renken, V Zamaraev
SIAM Journal on Computing 53 (2), 346-388, 2024
Measures of uncertainty in market network analysis
VA Kalyagin, AP Koldanov, PA Koldanov, PM Pardalos, VA Zamaraev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 413, 59-70, 2014
How fast can we reach a target vertex in stochastic temporal graphs?
EC Akrida, GB Mertzios, S Nikoletseas, C Raptopoulos, PG Spirakis, ...
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 114, 65-83, 2020
Dominating induced matchings in graphs containing no long claw
A Hertz, V Lozin, B Ries, V Zamaraev, D de Werra
Journal of Graph Theory 88 (1), 18-39, 2018
Market graph and Markowitz model
V Kalyagin, A Koldanov, P Koldanov, V Zamaraev
Optimization in Science and Engineering: In Honor of the 60th Birthday of ¡¦, 2014
Randomized communication and implicit graph representations
N Harms, S Wild, V Zamaraev
Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing ¡¦, 2022
Well-quasi-ordering does not imply bounded clique-width
VV Lozin, I Razgon, V Zamaraev
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 41st International Workshop ¡¦, 2016
On forbidden induced subgraphs for unit disk graphs
A Atminas, V Zamaraev
Discrete & Computational Geometry 60 (1), 57-97, 2018
Locally bounded coverings and factorial properties of graphs
VV Lozin, C Mayhill, V Zamaraev
European Journal of Combinatorics 33 (4), 534-543, 2012
Distributed minimum vertex coloring and maximum independent set in chordal graphs
C Konrad, V Zamaraev
Theoretical Computer Science 922, 486-502, 2022
Letter graphs and geometric grid classes of permutations: characterization and recognition
B Alecu, V Lozin, D de Werra, V Zamaraev
Discrete Applied Mathematics 283, 482-494, 2020
Infinitely many minimal classes of graphs of unbounded clique-width
A Collins, J Foniok, N Korpelainen, V Lozin, V Zamaraev
Discrete Applied Mathematics 248, 145-152, 2018
Upper domination: Towards a dichotomy through boundary properties
H AbouEisha, S Hussain, V Lozin, J Monnot, B Ries, V Zamaraev
Algorithmica 80, 2799-2817, 2018
Well-quasi-ordering versus clique-width
V Lozin, I Razgon, V Zamaraev
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 130, 1-18, 2018
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