Abhinav Narasingam
Abhinav Narasingam
PhD candidate
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Cited by
Development of local dynamic mode decomposition with control: Application to model predictive control of hydraulic fracturing
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
Computers & Chemical Engineering 106, 501-511, 2017
Machine learning-based adaptive model identification of systems: Application to a chemical process
B Bhadriraju, A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 152, 372-383, 2019
Koopman Lyapunov‐based model predictive control of nonlinear chemical process systems
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
AIChE Journal 65 (11), e16743, 2019
Temporal clustering for order reduction of nonlinear parabolic PDE systems with time‐dependent spatial domains: Application to a hydraulic fracturing process
A Narasingam, P Siddhamshetty, J Sang‐Il Kwon
AIChE Journal 63 (9), 3818-3831, 2017
Data-driven identification of interpretable reduced-order models using sparse regression
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
Computers & Chemical Engineering 119, 101-111, 2018
Operable adaptive sparse identification of systems: Application to chemical processes
B Bhadriraju, MSF Bangi, A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
AIChE Journal 66 (11), e16980, 2020
Handling spatial heterogeneity in reservoir parameters using proper orthogonal decomposition based ensemble Kalman filter for model-based feedback control of hydraulic fracturing
A Narasingam, P Siddhamshetty, JSI Kwon
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (11), 3977-3989, 2018
Application of Koopman operator for model-based control of fracture propagation and proppant transport in hydraulic fracturing operation
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
Journal of Process Control 91, 25-36, 2020
Model order reduction of nonlinear parabolic PDE systems with moving boundaries using sparse proper orthogonal decomposition: Application to hydraulic fracturing
HS Sidhu, A Narasingam, P Siddhamshetty, JSI Kwon
Computers & Chemical Engineering 112, 92-100, 2018
Data-driven feedback stabilisation of nonlinear systems: Koopman-based model predictive control
A Narasingam, SH Son, JSI Kwon
International Journal of Control 96 (3), 770-781, 2023
Development of offset-free Koopman Lyapunov-based model predictive control and mathematical analysis for zero steady-state offset condition considering influence of Lyapunov …
SH Son, A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
Journal of Process Control 118, 26-36, 2022
Handling plant-model mismatch in Koopman Lyapunov-based model predictive control via offset-free control framework
SH Son, A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07239, 2020
Enlarging the domain of attraction of the local dynamic mode decomposition with control technique: Application to hydraulic fracturing
MSF Bangi, A Narasingam, P Siddhamshetty, JSI Kwon
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (14), 5588-5601, 2019
Data-driven model reduction for coupled flow and geomechanics based on DMD methods
A Bao, E Gildin, A Narasingam, JS Kwon
Fluids 4 (3), 138, 2019
Closed-loop stabilization of nonlinear systems using Koopman Lyapunov-based model predictive control
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 704-709, 2020
POD-based EnKF estimation of heterogeneous reservoir parameters for feedback control of hydraulic fracturing
A Narasingam, P Siddhamshetty, JSI Kwon
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 44, 733-738, 2018
Mechanical sensitivity changes in pericranial muscles after local anesthesia and experimentally induced pain in the temporalis tendon: Implications for headache and facial pain
S Yang, FG Exposto, S Mahmoodi, P Svensson
Cephalalgia 42 (11-12), 1127-1137, 2022
Integration of offset-free control framework with Koopman Lyapunov-based model predictive control
SH Son, A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 2818-2823, 2021
Koopman operator-based model identification and control of hydraulic fracture propagation
A Narasingam, JSI Kwon
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 4533-4538, 2020
Operator theoretic model predictive control of moving boundary dynamical systems: Application to hydraulic fracturing
A Narasingam
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Articles 1–20