Hongki Jo
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Cited by
Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using smart sensor technology: deployment and evaluation
S Jang, H Jo, S Cho, K Mechitov, JA Rice, SH Sim, HJ Jung, CB Yun, ...
Smart Structures and systems 6 (5_6), 439-459, 2010
Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using wireless smart sensor technology: data analyses
S Cho, H Jo, S Jang, J Park, HJ Jung, CB Yun, BF Spencer Jr, JW Seo
Smart Structures and Systems 6 (5-6), 461-480, 2010
Dynamic assessment of timber railroad bridges using displacements
F Moreu, H Jo, J Li, RE Kim, S Cho, A Kimmle, S Scola, H Le, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (10), 04014114, 2015
Recent advances in wireless smart sensors for multi-scale monitoring and control of civil infrastructure
BF Spencer, H Jo, KA Mechitov, J Li, SH Sim, RE Kim, S Cho, ...
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 6, 17-41, 2016
Next generation wireless smart sensors toward sustainable civil infrastructure
BF Spencer Jr, JW Park, KA Mechitov, H Jo, G Agha
Procedia engineering 171, 5-13, 2017
Decentralized random decrement technique for efficient data aggregation and system identification in wireless smart sensor networks
SH Sim, JF Carbonell-Márquez, BF Spencer Jr, H Jo
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 26 (1), 81-91, 2011
Feasibility of displacement monitoring using low‐cost GPS receivers
H Jo, SH Sim, A Tatkowski, BF Spencer Jr, ME Nelson
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 20 (9), 1240-1254, 2013
A wireless smart sensor network for automated monitoring of cable tension
SH Sim, J Li, H Jo, JW Park, S Cho, BF Spencer Jr, HJ Jung
Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2), 025006, 2013
Development and application of high-sensitivity wireless smart sensors for decentralized stochastic modal identification
H Jo, SH Sim, T Nagayama, BF Spencer Jr
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 138 (6), 683-694, 2012
Reference-free displacements for condition assessment of timber railroad bridges
F Moreu, J Li, H Jo, RE Kim, S Scola, BF Spencer Jr, JM LaFave
Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 (2), 04015052, 2016
A large-area strain sensing technology for monitoring fatigue cracks in steel bridges
X Kong, J Li, W Collins, C Bennett, S Laflamme, H Jo
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (8), 085024, 2017
Convolutional neural networks for pavement roughness assessment using calibration‐free vehicle dynamics
JH Jeong, H Jo, G Ditzler
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 35 (11), 1209-1229, 2020
Develoment of high-sensitivity wireless strain sensor for structural health monitoring
H Jo, JW Park, BF Spencer, HJ Jung
Smart Struct. Syst 11 (5), 477-496, 2013
Feasibility study of micro-wind turbines for powering wireless sensors on a cable-stayed bridge
JW Park, HJ Jung, H Jo, BF Spencer Jr
Energies 5 (9), 3450-3464, 2012
Hybrid wireless smart sensor network for full-scale structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge
H Jo, SH Sim, KA Mechitov, R Kim, J Li, P Moinzadeh, BF Spencer Jr, ...
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2011
Development of high-sensitivity accelerometer board for structural health monitoring
H Jo, JA Rice, BF Spencer Jr, T Nagayama
Proc. of SPIE Vol 7647, 764706-1, 2010
Solar energy harvesting and software enhancements for autonomous wireless smart sensor networks
T. Miller, BF Spencer, Jr., J Li, H Jo
University of Illinois, 2010
Sensitivity analysis of non-conservative eigensystems
KM Choi, H Jo, WH Kim, IW Lee
Journal of sound and vibration 274 (3), 997-1011, 2004
Deep reinforcement learning for automated design of reinforced concrete structures
JH Jeong, H Jo
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (12), 1508-1529, 2021
Flood-fragility analysis of instream bridges–consideration of flow hydraulics, geotechnical uncertainties, and variable scour depth
T Ahamed, JG Duan, H Jo
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 17 (11), 1494-1507, 2021
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Articles 1–20