Carlo Altavilla
Carlo Altavilla
Head of Division, European Central bank
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Cited by
Cited by
Measuring euro area monetary policy
C Altavilla, L Brugnolini, RS Gürkaynak, R Motto, G Ragusa
Journal of Monetary Economics 108, 162-179, 2019
The Financial and the Macroeconomic Effects of the OMT Announcements
C Altavilla, D Giannone, M Lenza
International Journal of Central Banking 12, 29-57, 2014
Asset purchase programmes and financial markets: lessons from the euro area
C Altavilla, G Carboni, R Motto
ECB Working paper, 2015
Monetary policy and bank profitability in a low interest rate environment
C Altavilla, M Boucinha, JL Peydró
Economic policy 33 (96), 531-586, 2018
Bank exposures and sovereign stress transmission
C Altavilla, M Pagano, S Simonelli
Review of Finance 21 (6), 2103-2139, 2017
Is there a zero lower bound? The effects of negative policy rates on banks and firms
C Altavilla, L Burlon, M Giannetti, S Holton
Journal of financial economics 144 (3), 885-907, 2022
Monetary policy in times of crisis: A tale of two decades of the European Central Bank
M Rostagno, C Altavilla, G Carboni, W Lemke, R Motto, A Saint Guilhem, ...
Oxford University Press, 2021
Mending the broken link: Heterogeneous bank lending rates and monetary policy pass-through
C Altavilla, F Canova, M Ciccarelli
Journal of Monetary Economics 110, 81-98, 2020
Do EMU members share the same business cycle?
C Altavilla
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (5), 869-896, 2004
The great lockdown: pandemic response policies and bank lending conditions
C Altavilla, F Barbiero, M Boucinha, L Burlon
European Economic Review 156, 104478, 2023
The effectiveness of non‐standard monetary policy measures: Evidence from survey data
C Altavilla, D Giannone
Journal of Applied Econometrics 32 (5), 952-964, 2017
Loan supply, credit markets and the euro area financial crisis
C Altavilla, MD Paries, G Nicoletti
Journal of Banking & Finance 109, 105658, 2019
Anchoring the yield curve using survey expectations
C Altavilla, R Giacomini, G Ragusa
Journal of Applied Econometrics 32 (6), 1055-1068, 2017
Low frequency effects of macroeconomic news on government bond yields
C Altavilla, D Giannone, M Modugno
Journal of Monetary Economics 92, 31-46, 2017
Banking supervision, monetary policy and risk-taking: big data evidence from 15 credit registers
C Altavilla, M Boucinha, JL Peydró, F Smets
Monetary Policy and Risk-Taking: Big Data Evidence from 15, 2020
Forecasting and combining competing models of exchange rate determination
C Altavilla, P De Grauwe
Applied economics 42 (27), 3455-3480, 2010
Social learning in market games
C Altavilla, L Luini, P Sbriglia
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 61 (4), 632-652, 2006
Credit supply and demand in unconventional times
C Altavilla, M Boucinha, S Holton, S Ongena
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 53 (8), 2071-2098, 2021
Assessing the efficacy, efficiency and potential side effects of the ECB's monetary policy instruments since 2014
C Altavilla, W Lemke, T Linzert, J Tapking, J von Landesberger
ECB Occasional Paper, 2021
Do central banks act asymmetrically? Empirical evidence from the ECB and the Bank of England
C Altavilla*, L Landolfo
Applied Economics 37 (5), 507-519, 2005
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Articles 1–20