Ali imran (
Ali imran (
Director AI4Networks Center (; Williams Professor in ECE@OU, USA; Professor in
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Cited by
Cited by
AI4COVID-19: AI enabled preliminary diagnosis for COVID-19 from cough samples via an app
A Imran, I Posokhova, HN Qureshi, U Masood, MS Riaz, K Ali, CN John, ...
Informatics in medicine unlocked 20, 100378, 2020
Challenges in 5G: how to empower SON with big data for enabling 5G
A Imran, A Zoha, A Abu-Dayya
IEEE network 28 (6), 27-33, 2014
A survey of self organisation in future cellular networks
OG Aliu, A Imran, MA Imran, B Evans
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 15 (1), 336-361, 2012
Edge computing in smart health care systems: Review, challenges, and research directions
M Hartmann, US Hashmi, A Imran
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 33 (3), e3710, 2022
Coordinated multi-point clustering schemes: A survey
S Bassoy, H Farooq, MA Imran, A Imran
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (2), 743-764, 2017
Separation framework: An enabler for cooperative and D2D communication for future 5G networks
HAU Mustafa, MA Imran, MZ Shakir, A Imran, R Tafazolli
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 419-445, 2015
Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: A survey and outlook
A Mohamed, O Onireti, MA Imran, A Imran, R Tafazolli
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 446-465, 2016
A cell outage management framework for dense heterogeneous networks
O Onireti, A Zoha, J Moysen, A Imran, L Giupponi, MA Imran, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (4), 2097-2113, 2015
Planning wireless cellular networks of future: Outlook, challenges and opportunities
A Taufique, M Jaber, A Imran, Z Dawy, E Yacoub
IEEE Access 5, 4821-4845, 2017
Self-healing in emerging cellular networks: Review, challenges, and research directions
A Asghar, H Farooq, A Imran
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (3), 1682-1709, 2018
Mobility prediction for handover management in cellular networks with control/data separation
A Mohamed, O Onireti, SA Hoseinitabatabaei, M Imran, A Imran, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3939-3944, 2015
Network densification: Challenges and opportunities in enabling 5G
B Romanous, N Bitar, A Imran, H Refai
2015 IEEE 20th international workshop on computer aided modelling and design …, 2015
Can machine learning be used to recognize and diagnose coughs?
C Bales, M Nabeel, CN John, U Masood, HN Qureshi, H Farooq, ...
2020 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), 1-4, 2020
Mobility management in emerging ultra-dense cellular networks: A survey, outlook, and future research directions
SMA Zaidi, M Manalastas, H Farooq, A Imran
IEEE Access 8, 183505-183533, 2020
Towards using cough for respiratory disease diagnosis by leveraging Artificial Intelligence: A survey
A Ijaz, M Nabeel, U Masood, T Mahmood, MS Hashmi, I Posokhova, ...
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 29, 100832, 2022
A machine learning based 3D propagation model for intelligent future cellular networks
U Masood, H Farooq, A Imran
2019 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Service level agreements for 5G and beyond: overview, challenges and enablers of 5G-healthcare systems
HN Qureshi, M Manalastas, SMA Zaidi, A Imran, MO Al Kalaa
Ieee Access 9, 1044-1061, 2020
Artificial intelligence-powered mobile edge computing-based anomaly detection in cellular networks
B Hussain, Q Du, A Imran, MA Imran
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 4986-4996, 2019
Mobile edge computing-based data-driven deep learning framework for anomaly detection
B Hussain, Q Du, S Zhang, A Imran, MA Imran
IEEE Access 7, 137656-137667, 2019
Spatiotemporal mobility prediction in proactive self-organizing cellular networks
H Farooq, A Imran
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (2), 370-373, 2016
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Articles 1–20