Roberto Paiella
Roberto Paiella
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University
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Cited by
Quantum cascade lasers: ultrahigh-speed operation, optical wireless communication, narrow linewidth, and far-infrared emission
F Capasso, R Paiella, R Martini, R Colombelli, C Gmachl, TL Myers, ...
IEEE Journal of quantum electronics 38 (6), 511-532, 2002
Direct-bandgap light-emitting germanium in tensilely strained nanomembranes
JR Sánchez-Pérez, C Boztug, F Chen, FF Sudradjat, DM Paskiewicz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (47), 18893-18898, 2011
New frontiers in quantum cascade lasers and applications
F Capasso, C Gmachl, R Paiella, A Tredicucci, AL Hutchinson, DL Sivco, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 6 (6), 931-947, 2000
Self-mode-locking of quantum cascade lasers with giant ultrafast optical nonlinearities
R Paiella, F Capasso, C Gmachl, DL Sivco, JN Baillargeon, ...
Science 290 (5497), 1739-1742, 2000
Optoelectronic device physics and technology of nitride semiconductors from the UV to the terahertz
TD Moustakas, R Paiella
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (10), 106501, 2017
Intersubband transitions in quantum structures
R Paiella
(No Title), 2006
High-frequency modulation without the relaxation oscillation resonance in quantum cascade lasers
R Paiella, R Martini, F Capasso, C Gmachl, HY Hwang, DL Sivco, ...
Applied Physics Letters 79 (16), 2526-2528, 2001
Free-space optical transmission of multimedia satellite data streams using mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, C Bethea, F Capasso, C Gmachl, R Paiella, EA Whittaker, ...
Electronics Letters 38 (4), 1, 2002
Monte Carlo simulation of terahertz quantum cascade laser structures based on wide-bandgap semiconductors
E Bellotti, K Driscoll, TD Moustakas, R Paiella
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (11), 2009
Monte Carlo study of GaN versus GaAs terahertz quantum cascade structures
E Bellotti, K Driscoll, TD Moustakas, R Paiella
Applied Physics Letters 92 (10), 2008
Strained-germanium nanostructures for infrared photonics
C Boztug, JR Sánchez-Pérez, F Cavallo, MG Lagally, R Paiella
ACS nano 8 (4), 3136-3151, 2014
High-speed modulation and free-space optical audio/video transmission using quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, C Gmachl, J Falciglia, FG Curti, CG Bethea, F Capasso, ...
Electronics Letters 37 (3), 1, 2001
Ultrafast all-optical switching with low saturation energy via intersubband transitions in GaN/AlN quantum-well waveguides
Y Li, A Bhattacharyya, C Thomidis, TD Moustakas, R Paiella
Optics express 15 (26), 17922-17927, 2007
Graphene plasmonic devices for terahertz optoelectronics
Y Li, K Tantiwanichapan, AK Swan, R Paiella
Nanophotonics 9 (7), 1901-1920, 2020
Tunable surface plasmons in coupled metallo-dielectric multiple layers for light-emission efficiency enhancement
R Paiella
Applied Physics Letters 87 (11), 2005
Enhanced near-green light emission from InGaN quantum wells by use of tunable plasmonic resonances in silver nanoparticle arrays
J Henson, E Dimakis, J DiMaria, R Li, S Minissale, L Dal Negro, ...
Optics express 18 (20), 21322-21329, 2010
High-speed digital data transmission using mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, R Paiella, C Gmachl, F Capasso, EA Whittaker, HC Liu, ...
Electronics Letters 37 (21), 1, 2001
Plasmonic ommatidia for lensless compound-eye vision
LC Kogos, Y Li, J Liu, Y Li, L Tian, R Paiella
Nature communications 11 (1), 1637, 2020
Monolithic active mode locking of quantum cascade lasers
R Paiella, F Capasso, C Gmachl, HY Hwang, DL Sivco, AL Hutchinson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 77 (2), 169-171, 2000
Tensilely strained germanium nanomembranes as infrared optical gain media
C Boztug, JR Sánchez‐Pérez, FF Sudradjat, RB Jacobson, ...
Small 9 (4), 622-630, 2013
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Articles 1–20