Alice Klettner
Cited by
Cited by
The governance of corporate sustainability: Empirical insights into the development, leadership and implementation of responsible business strategy
A Klettner, T Clarke, M Boersma
Journal of business ethics 122, 145-165, 2014
Strategic and regulatory approaches to increasing women in leadership: Multilevel targets and mandatory quotas as levers for cultural change
A Klettner, T Clarke, M Boersma
Journal of Business Ethics 133, 395-419, 2016
The SAGE handbook of corporate governance
D Branson, T Clarke
Sage, 2012
Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis: The Regulatory Responses
T Clarke, A Klettner
Handbook on Emerging Issues in Corporate Governance, 71-102, 2011
Governance issues for SMEs
T Clarke, A Klettner
Journal of Law and Governance 4 (4), 23–40-23–40, 2009
Governance challenges for not-for-profit organisations: Empirical evidence in support of a contingency approach
J Chelliah, M Boersma, A Klettner
Australasian Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2015, Sydney, 2015
Stewardship codes and the role of institutional investors in corporate governance: An international comparison and typology
A Klettner
British Journal of Management 32 (4), 988-1006, 2021
Protection of the environment during armed conflict: one Gulf, two wars
AL Bunker
Rev. Eur. Comp. & Int'l Envtl. L. 13, 201, 2004
Corporate governance reform: An empirical study of the changing roles and responsibilities of Australian boards and directors
A Klettner, T Clarke, M Adams
Australian Journal of Corporate Law 24 (2), 148-176, 2010
The role of a national regulator in developing solutions to governance challenges in the not-for-profit sector
J Chelliah, M Boersma, A Klettner
The Journal of Developing Areas 49 (6), 449-458, 2015
Corporate governance regulation: The changing roles and responsibilities of boards of directors
A Klettner
Routledge, 2016
Sustainable finance and stewardship: Unlocking stewardship's sustainability potential
D Katelouzou, A Klettner
An edited version of the paper will be published as a chapter in Global …, 2020
Corporate governance codes and gender diversity: management-based regulation in action
A Klettner
University of New South Wales Law Journal, The 39 (2), 715-739, 2016
Risk Management: Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis-the Next Cycle of Corporate Governance Reform?
T Clarke, A Klettner
Keeping good companies 61 (5), 2009
The impact of stewardship codes on corporate governance and sustainability
AL Klettner
New Zealand Business Law Quarterly, 2017
2012 Australian census of women in leadership
E EOWA, T Clarke, BB Nielsen, S Nielsen, AL Klettner, M Boersma
Australian Government EOWA, 2012
The impact of soft law on social change: measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity on boards of directors
A Klettner, T Clarke, M Boersma
Australian Journal of Corporate Law 28 (2), 138-165, 2013
Corporate governance regulation: assessing the effectiveness of soft law in relation to the contemporary role of the board of directors
AL Klettner
Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis
A Klettner
The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance, 556, 2012
Board effectiveness & performance: The state of play on board evaluation in corporate Australia and abroad
T Clarke, A Klettner
Study commissioned by The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20