Balaji Bhosle
Balaji Bhosle
Advanced Geological Consulting Services
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Geomorphology, pedology and sedimentology of the Deoha/Ganga–Ghaghara Interfluve, Upper Gangetic Plains (Himalayan foreland basin)—extensional tectonic implications
S Singh, B Parkash, MS Rao, M Arora, B Bhosle
Catena 67 (3), 183-203, 2006
Use of digital elevation models and drainage patterns for locating active faults in the Upper Gangetic Plain, India
B Bhosle, B Parkash, AK Awasthi, P Pati
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (3), 673-691, 2009
Remote sensing-GIS and GPR studies of two active faults, Western Gangetic Plains, India
B Bhosle, B Parkash, AK Awasthi, VN Singh, S Singh
Journal of applied geophysics 61 (2), 155-164, 2007
Role of extensional tectonics and climatic changes in geomorphological, pedological and sedimentary evolution of the western Gangetic Plain (Himalayan Foreland Basin), India
B Bhosle, B Parkash, A Awasthi, S Singh, SH Khan
Himalayan Geology 29 (1), 1-24, 2008
First report: Trace fossil assemblage Ptychoplasma (P. excelsum, P. vagans), Dendroidichnites (D. irregulare), Ctenopholeus (? C. kutcheri) and Bergaueria (B. hemispherica) in …
B Bhosle, C Johnson, S Vaghela, DJ Schultz, V Dholakia
Ichnos 26 (4), 256-265, 2019
Effects of Sample Holding Time, Storage and Preservation on Sample Integrity for Source Rock Analysis: Experimental Results
B Bhosle, P Crozier, K Flynn
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
Pedogenic processes on the Ganga/Deoha-Ghaghara Interfluve, Upper Gangetic Plains, India
S Singh, B Parkash, B Bhosle
Quaternary international 159 (1), 57-73, 2007
Delineation of an active fault using DTM in the Western Gangetic Plain
B Bhosle, B Parkash, AK Awasthi
Current Science, 1001-1003, 2006
Distributions of Radionuclides (U & Th) and Pedogenic Characteristics as Indicators of Wet and Warm Climate during the Holocene in the Western Part of the Upper Gangetic Plain …
B Bhosle
Open Journal of Geology 1 (01), 1, 2011
Structural Controls on the River Morphology and Sedimentation Pattern in the South Pine River Basin, North Brisbane
B Bhosle, DK Bhagat, E Barcelona
SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
Fluvial Facies Analysis Using Gamma Ray Measurements and Outcrop Studies in the Mesri and its Tributary Kuej River in the Mainland Gujarat Region, India
B Bhosle, P Nayak, H Kumar, Vikash, Poonawala
18th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference (MEOS), 2013
Segmented Nature of the Himalaya and Gangetic Plain
B Parkash, RS Rathor, AK Awasthi, P Pati, B Bhosle, RP Jakhmola, ...
Himalayan Journal of Sciences 5 (7), 2008
Luminescence dating of paleoseismic events associated with the Muzaffarnagar fault in the Western Gangetic Plain
B Bhosle, B Parkash, AK Awasthi
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Articles 1–13