Harry C. Blair
Harry C. Blair
Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh
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Osteoclastic bone resorption by a polarized vacuolar proton pump
HC Blair, SL Teitelbaum, R Ghiselli, S Gluck
Science 245 (4920), 855-857, 1989
TSH is a negative regulator of skeletal remodeling
E Abe, RC Marians, W Yu, XB Wu, T Ando, Y Li, J Iqbal, L Eldeiry, ...
Cell 115 (2), 151-162, 2003
FSH directly regulates bone mass
L Sun, Y Peng, AC Sharrow, J Iqbal, Z Zhang, DJ Papachristou, S Zaidi, ...
Cell 125 (2), 247-260, 2006
Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Matrix Formation In Vivo and In Vitro
HC Blair, QC Larrouture, Y Li, H Lin, D Beer-Stoltz, L Liu, RS Tuan, ...
Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 23 (3), 268-280, 2017
Bisphosphonates directly inhibit the bone resorption activity of isolated avian osteoclasts in vitro.
A Carano, SL Teitelbaum, JD Konsek, PH Schlesinger, HC Blair
The Journal of clinical investigation 85 (2), 456-461, 1990
Epidermal growth factor activates m-calpain (calpain II), at least in part, by extracellular signal-regulated kinase-mediated phosphorylation
A Glading, RJ Bodnar, IJ Reynolds, H Shiraha, L Satish, DA Potter, ...
Molecular and cellular biology, 2004
Epidermal growth factor as a candidate for ex vivo expansion of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells
K Tamama, VH Fan, LG Griffith, HC Blair, A Wells
Stem cells 24 (3), 686-695, 2006
Isolated osteoclasts resorb the organic and inorganic components of bone.
HC Blair, AJ Kahn, EC Crouch, JJ Jeffrey, SL Teitelbaum
The Journal of cell biology 102 (4), 1164-1172, 1986
Glucocerebrosidase gene-deficient mouse recapitulates Gaucher disease displaying cellular and molecular dysregulation beyond the macrophage
PK Mistry, J Liu, M Yang, T Nottoli, J McGrath, D Jain, K Zhang, J Keutzer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (45), 19473-19478, 2010
Impaired osteoblastic differentiation, reduced bone formation, and severe osteoporosis in noggin-overexpressing mice
XB Wu, Y Li, A Schneider, W Yu, G Rajendren, J Iqbal, M Yamamoto, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 112 (6), 924-934, 2003
How the osteoclast degrades bone
HC Blair
Bioessays 20 (10), 837-846, 1998
Variable effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on avian osteoclastic activity and reduction of bone loss in ovariectomized rats
HC Blair, SE Jordan, TG Peterson, S Barnes
Journal of cellular biochemistry 61 (4), 629-637, 1996
Characterization of the osteoclast ruffled border chloride channel and its role in bone resorption
PH Schlesinger, HC Blair, SL Teitelbaum, JC Edwards
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (30), 18636-18643, 1997
Recent advances in osteoclast biology and pathological bone resorption
HC Blair, NA Athanasou
Histology and histopathology, 2004
Defining thyrotropin-dependent and-independent steps of thyroid hormone synthesis by using thyrotropin receptor-null mice
RC Marians, L Ng, HC Blair, P Unger, PN Graves, TF Davies
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (24), 15776-15781, 2002
Osteoclastogenesis, bone resorption, and osteoclast‐based therapeutics
M Zaidi, HC Blair, BS Moonga, E Abe, CLH Huang
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 18 (4), 599-609, 2003
Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates TNF production from immune cells to enhance osteoblast and osteoclast formation
J Iqbal, L Sun, TR Kumar, HC Blair, M Zaidi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (40), 14925-14930, 2006
Mechanisms balancing skeletal matrix synthesis and degradation
HC Blair, M Zaidi, PH Schlesinger
Biochemical Journal 364 (2), 329-341, 2002
Osteoclasts are important for bone angiogenesis
FC Cackowski, JL Anderson, KD Patrene, RJ Choksi, SD Shapiro, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 115 (1), 140-149, 2010
Osteoclast signalling pathways
HC Blair, LJ Robinson, M Zaidi
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 328 (3), 728-738, 2005
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Articles 1–20