Dr.-Ing. Axel Schulz
Dr.-Ing. Axel Schulz
DB Fernverkehr AG
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A multi-indicator approach for geolocalization of tweets
A Schulz, A Hadjakos, H Paulheim, J Nachtwey, M Mühlhäuser
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 7 …, 2013
I see a car crash: Real-time detection of small scale incidents in microblogs
A Schulz, P Ristoski, H Paulheim
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events …, 2013
NoiseMap-real-time participatory noise maps
I Schweizer, R Bärtl, A Schulz, F Probst, M Mühläuser
Second international workshop on sensing applications on mobile phones, 1-5, 2011
A fine-grained sentiment analysis approach for detecting crisis related microposts.
A Schulz, TD Thanh, H Paulheim, I Schweizer
ISCRAM, 2013
Crisis Information Management in the Web 3.0 Age
A Schulz, H Paulheim, F Probst
Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2012
Semantic abstraction for generalization of tweet classification: An evaluation of incident-related tweets
A Schulz, C Guckelsberger, F Janssen
Semantic Web 8 (3), 353-372, 2016
Small-scale incident detection based on microposts
A Schulz, B Schmidt, T Strufe
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media, 3-12, 2015
A rapid-prototyping framework for extracting small-scale incident-related information in microblogs: application of multi-label classification on tweets
A Schulz, EL Mencía, B Schmidt
Information Systems 57, 88-110, 2016
Getting user-generated content structured: Overcoming information overload in emergency management
A Schulz, J Ortmann, F Probst
2012 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, 143-148, 2012
Using data mining on linked open data for analyzing e-procurement information
EL Mencıa, S Holthausen, A Schulz, F Janssen
Proceedings of the first DMoLD: data mining on linked data workshop at ECML/PKDD, 2013
Evaluating multi-label classification of incident-related tweets
A Schulz, EL Mencía, TT Dang, B Schmidt
Proceedings of the Making Sense of Microposts (# Microposts 2014), Seoul …, 2014
The car that hit the burning house: Understanding small scale incident related information in microblogs
A Schulz, P Ristoski
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 7 …, 2013
Workflow adaptation using automated model transformation
M Doehring, I Galkin, A Schulz
US Patent App. 13/555,210, 2014
Mashups for the emergency management domain
A Schulz, H Paulheim
Semantic Mashups: Intelligent Reuse of Web Resources, 237-260, 2013
Can we use your router, please?: benefits and implications of an emergency switch for wireless routers
K Panitzek, I Schweizer, A Schulz, T Bönning, G Seipel, M Mühlhäuser
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2012
Integrating process modeling and linked open data to improve decision making in disaster management
A Schulz, S Döweling, F Probst
Guest Editors 16, 2012
What Is Good for One City May Not Be Good for Another One: Evaluating Generalization for Tweet Classification Based on Semantic Abstraction.
A Schulz, F Janssen
S4SC@ ISWC, 53-67, 2014
Emulating runtime workflow adaptation and aspect weaving by recursive rule-based sub-process selection-a model transformation approach
M Döhring, A Schulz, I Galkin
2012 IEEE 16th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2012
More features are not always better: Evaluating generalizing models in incident type classification of tweets
A Schulz, C Guckelsberger, B Schmidt
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2015
Accurate pollutant modeling and mapping: Applying machine learning to participatory sensing and urban topology data
A Schulz, J Karolus, F Janssen, I Schweizer
2015 International Conference and Workshops on Networked Systems (NetSys), 1-8, 2015
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Articles 1–20