Franz T. Lohrke
Franz T. Lohrke
Lowder Eminent Scholar and Professor of Entrepreneurship, Auburn University
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Slack resources and firm performance: a meta-analysis
F Daniel, FT Lohrke, CJ Fornaciari, RA Turner Jr
Journal of Business Research 57 (6), 565-574, 2004
Organizational configurations and performance: A meta-analysis
DJ Ketchen Jr, JG Combs, CJ Russell, C Shook, MA Dean, J Runge, ...
Academy of management journal 40 (1), 223-240, 1997
Entrepreneurial network development: Trusting in the process
DA Smith, FT Lohrke
Journal of Business Research 61 (4), 315-322, 2008
The influence of entrepreneurs’ credentials and impression management behaviors on perceptions of new venture legitimacy
BG Nagy, JM Pollack, MW Rutherford, FT Lohrke
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (5), 941-965, 2012
Conjoint analysis in entrepreneurship research: A review and research agenda
FT Lohrke, BB Holloway, TW Woolley
Organizational Research Methods 13 (1), 16-30, 2010
The role of top management teams in formulating and implementing turnaround strategies: a review and research agenda
FT Lohrke, AG Bedeian, TB Palmer
International journal of management Reviews 5 (2), 63-90, 2004
Historical foundations of entrepreneurial research
H Landström, F Lohrke
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
Environmental shocks and SME alliance formation intentions in an emerging economy: Evidence from the Asian financial crisis in Indonesia
LD Marino, FT Lohrke, JS Hill, KM Weaver, T Tambunan
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 32 (1), 157-183, 2008
The internet as an information conduit: a transaction cost analysis model of US SME internet use
FT Lohrke, GMC Franklin, C Frownfelter-Lohrke
International Small Business Journal 24 (2), 159-178, 2006
Developing an entrepreneurial typology: the roles of entrepreneurial alertness and attributional style
J Tang, Z Tang, FT Lohrke
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 4, 273-294, 2008
The influence of current firm performance on future SME alliance formation intentions: A six-country study
FT Lohrke, PM Kreiser, KM Weaver
Journal of Business Research 59 (1), 19-27, 2006
The role of information technology systems in the performance of mergers and acquisitions
FT Lohrke, C Frownfelter-Lohrke, DJ Ketchen Jr
Business Horizons 59 (1), 7-12, 2016
The evolving definition of what comprises international strategic management research
GD Bruton, FT Lohrke, JW Lu
Journal of International Management 10 (3), 413-429, 2004
Investigator characteristics as moderators of personnel selection research: A meta-analysis.
CJ Russell, RP Settoon, RN McGrath, AE Blanton, RE Kidwell, FT Lohrke, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 79 (2), 163, 1994
Contributions and gaps in international strategic management literature
FT Lohrke, GD Bruton
Journal of International Management 3, 25-58, 1997
Managerial responses to declining performance: Turnaround investment strategies and critical contingencies
FT Lohrke, AG Bedeian
Advances in applied business strategy 5 (3), 3-20, 1998
Developing a scale to measure liabilities and assets of newness after start-up
BG Nagy, ES Blair, FT Lohrke
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 10, 277-295, 2014
History matters in entrepreneurship research
F Lohrke, H Landström
Historical foundations of entrepreneurship research, 2010
An evaluation of key determinants preventing intra-family business succession
A Lockamy, CM Carson, FT Lohrke
Journal of family business management 6 (1), 2016
Only the good die young? A review of liability of newness and related new venture mortality research
B Nagy, F Lohrke
Historical foundations of entrepreneurship research, 2010
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