Venkatesan kanagaraj
Venkatesan kanagaraj
Post Doctoral Researcher,Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
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Trajectory data and flow characteristics of mixed traffic
V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi, T Toledo, TC Lee
Transportation Research Record 2491 (1), 1-11, 2015
Social force models for pedestrian traffic–state of the art
X Chen, M Treiber, V Kanagaraj, H Li
Transport reviews 38 (5), 625-653, 2018
Evaluation of different vehicle following models under mixed traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi, CHN Kumar, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 104, 390-401, 2013
Comparing numerical integration schemes for time-continuous car-following models
M Treiber, V Kanagaraj
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 419, 183-195, 2015
Study of traffic flow characteristics using different vehicle-following models under mixed traffic conditions
G Asaithambi, V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation letters 10 (2), 92-103, 2018
Driving behaviors: Models and challenges for non-lane based mixed traffic
G Asaithambi, V Kanagaraj, T Toledo
Transportation in Developing Economies 2, 1-16, 2016
Self-driven particle model for mixed traffic and other disordered flows
V Kanagaraj, M Treiber
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 509, 1-11, 2018
Development of microscopic simulation model for heterogeneous traffic using object oriented approach
K Venkatesan, A Gowri, R Sivanandan
Transportmetrica 4 (3), 227-247, 2008
Modeling vehicular merging behavior under heterogeneous traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation research record 2188 (1), 140-147, 2010
Object-oriented methodology for intersection simulation model under heterogeneous traffic conditions
A Gowri, K Venkatesan, R Sivanandan
Advances in Engineering Software 40 (10), 1000-1010, 2009
Study of unique merging behavior under mixed traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan, G Asaithambi
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 29, 98-112, 2015
Understanding the mechanism of lane changing process and dynamics using microscopic traffic data
P Chauhan, V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 593, 126981, 2022
Characteristics of mixed traffic on urban arterials with significant volumes of motorized two-wheelers: role of composition, intraclass variability, and lack of lane discipline
G Asaithambi, V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation research record 2317 (1), 51-59, 2012
Life cycle assessment of conventional and electric vehicles
G Asaithambi, M Treiber, V Kanagaraj
International climate protection, 161-168, 2019
Vehicle classwise analysis of time gaps and headways under heterogeneous traffic
V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi, K Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011
Mixed traffic characteristics on urban arterials with significant motorized two-wheeler volumes: Role of composition, intra-class variability, and lack of lane discipline
G Asaithambi, K Venkatesan, S KARTHIK, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Record 2317, 51-59, 2012
Social force models for pedestrian traffic-state of the art [J]
C Xu, T Martin, K Venkatesan
Transport Reviews 38 (5), 625-653, 2018
Fuel-Consumption and CO2 Emissions Modells for Traffic
V Kanagaraj, M Treiber
International Climate Protection, 155-160, 2019
Investigation of car-following models in disordered traffic using trajectory data obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles
M Kashyap NR, K Sivagnanasundaram, V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi, ...
Transportation letters 15 (8), 834-844, 2023
Two-dimensional LWR model for lane-free traffic
S Agrawal, V Kanagaraj, M Treiber
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 625, 128990, 2023
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