Thi Hong Cam Hoang
Thi Hong Cam Hoang
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
usth.edu.vnÀÇ À̸ÞÀÏ È®ÀεÊ
Detection of Permethrin pesticide using silver nano-dendrites SERS on optical fibre fabricated by laser-assisted photochemical method
TB Pham, THC Hoang, VH Pham, VC Nguyen, TV Nguyen, DC Vu, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12590, 2019
Novel method of dual fiber Bragg gratings integrated in fiber ring laser for biochemical sensors
H Bui, TB Pham, VA Nguyen, VD Pham, TC Do, TV Nguyen, THC Hoang, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 29 (5), 055105, 2018
Narrow-linewidth carbon nanotube emission in silicon hollow-core photonic crystal cavity
THC Hoang, E Durán-Valdeiglesias, C Alonso-Ramos, S Serna, W Zhang, ...
Optics Letters 42 (11), 2228-2231, 2017
Integration of carbon nanotubes in silicon strip and slot waveguide micro-ring resonators
E Durán-Valdeiglesias, W Zhang, A Noury, C Alonso-Ramos, THC Hoang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 15 (4), 583-589, 2016
Determination of low solvent concentration by nano-porous silicon photonic sensors using volatile organic compound method
H Bui, VH Pham, VD Pham, THC Hoang, TB Pham, TC Do, QM Ngo, ...
Environmental technology 40 (26), 3403-3411, 2019
Improved versatile SERS spheroid end-facet optical fiber substrate based on silver nano-dendrites directly planted with gold nanoparticles using dual-laser assisted for ¡¦
TB Pham, THC Hoang, DC Vu, H Bui
Optical Materials 126, 112196, 2022
The impact of occupational stress on job satisfaction and job performance of banking credit officers
Q Nguyen, T Hoang, D Nguyen
Management Science Letters 10 (16), 3891-3898, 2020
SOI Slotted Photonic Crystal Cavities Spanning From 1.3 to With Factors Above 800 000
THC Hoang, W Zhang, SF Serna-Otalvaro, C Caer, X Le Roux, L Vivien, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (20), 2138-2141, 2015
Single walled carbon nanotubes emission coupled with a silicon slot-ring resonator
F Biccari, F Sarti, N Caselli, A Vinattieri, E Durán-Valdeiglesias, W Zhang, ...
Journal of Luminescence 191, 126-130, 2017
Analysis on slotted photonic crystal cavity and waveguide combination in silicon-on-insulator platform
THC Hoang
Optik 251, 168465, 2022
Silicon slotted photonic crystal cavities fabricated by deep-ultraviolet lithography
THC Hoang, T van Nguyen, TB Pham, VD Pham, VH Pham, X Le Roux, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38 (10), 2898-2901, 2021
H Bui, VH Pham, VD Pham, TB Pham, THC Hoang, TC Do, TV Nguyen
Digest Journal of Nanomaterials & Biostructures (DJNB) 13 (1), 2018
Community forest management for whom? Learning from field experience in Vietnam
TQ Nguyen, Y Yasmi, TN Tran, TH Hoang
FGLG Vietnam Policy Brief Number 1, 2008
A quantitative analysis of the whispering-gallery-mode lasers in Er3+-doped silica glass microspheres towards integration in SOI slotted photonic crystal waveguides
VA Nguyen, THC Hoang, HT Le, TT Hoang, QM Ngo
Optics Communications 440, 14-20, 2019
Mode selection and dispersion engineering in Bragg-like slot photonic crystal waveguides for hybrid light–matter interactions
S Serna, W Zhang, THC Hoang, C Alonso-Ramos, D Marris-Morini, ...
Photonics Research 6 (1), 54-60, 2017
Community Forestry and Poverty Alleviation: A 16. Synthesis of Project Findings from Field Activities
TQ Nguyen, TN Tran, TH Hoang
Unpublished Report to Forest Governance Learning Group (FGLG) Vietnam, 2009
Quasi‐3D‐Structured Surface‐Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates Based on Silver Nanoparticles/Mesoporous Silicon Hybrid
TV Nguyen, DC Vu, TS Pham, H Bui, TB Pham, THC Hoang, VH Pham, ...
physica status solidi (a) 219 (18), 2200128, 2022
Hierarchy in high school English classrooms in Vietnam
TH Hoang, TNT Pham
Identity, equity and social justice in Asian Pacific Education. Monash ¡¦, 2018
Determination of Wavelength Shift of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors by Tunable Single-mode Diode Laser
PT Son, NT Van, HTH Cam, NQ Minh, B Huy, P Van Hoi
Communications in Physics 23 (1), 67-67, 2013
Micro-and nanophotonic structures in the visible and near infrared spectral region for optical devices
H Bui, T Van Nguyen, TS Pham, THC Hoang, QM Ngo
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4 (2), 023001, 2013
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