Matthew Mench
Cited by
Cited by
Redox flow batteries: a review
AZ Weber, MM Mench, JP Meyers, PN Ross, JT Gostick, Q Liu
Journal of applied electrochemistry 41, 1137-1164, 2011
Fuel cell engines
MM Mench
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
A critical review of modeling transport phenomena in polymer-electrolyte fuel cells
AZ Weber, RL Borup, RM Darling, PK Das, TJ Dursch, W Gu, D Harvey, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (12), F1254, 2014
Dramatic performance gains in vanadium redox flow batteries through modified cell architecture
DS Aaron, Q Liu, Z Tang, GM Grim, AB Papandrew, A Turhan, ...
Journal of Power sources 206, 450-453, 2012
Direct measurement of through-plane thermal conductivity and contact resistance in fuel cell materials
M Khandelwal, MM Mench
Journal of Power Sources 161 (2), 1106-1115, 2006
Liquid droplet behavior and instability in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell flow channel
EC Kumbur, KV Sharp, MM Mench
Journal of power sources 161 (1), 333-345, 2006
Study of water distribution and transport in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell using neutron imaging
N Pekula, K Heller, PA Chuang, A Turhan, MM Mench, JS Brenizer, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
Comparison of thermal behavior of regular and ultra-fine aluminum powders (Alex) made from plasma explosion process
MM Mench, KK Kuo, CL Yeh, YC Lu
Combustion Science and Technology 135 (1-6), 269-292, 1998
In situ current distribution measurements in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
MM Mench, CY Wang, M Ishikawa
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (8), A1052, 2003
In situ water distribution measurements in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell
MM Mench, QL Dong, CY Wang
Journal of Power Sources 124 (1), 90-98, 2003
Impact of initial biofilm growth on the anode impedance of microbial fuel cells
RP Ramasamy, Z Ren, MM Mench, JM Regan
Biotechnology and bioengineering 101 (1), 101-108, 2008
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell degradation
MM Mench, EC Kumbur
Academic Press, 2012
High performance vanadium redox flow batteries with optimized electrode configuration and membrane selection
QH Liu, GM Grim, AB Papandrew, A Turhan, TA Zawodzinski, MM Mench
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (8), A1246, 2012
High performance electrodes in vanadium redox flow batteries through oxygen-enriched thermal activation
AM Pezeshki, JT Clement, GM Veith, TA Zawodzinski, MM Mench
Journal of Power Sources 294, 333-338, 2015
Quantification of liquid water accumulation and distribution in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell using neutron imaging
A Turhan, K Heller, JS Brenizer, MM Mench
Journal of Power Sources 160 (2), 1195-1203, 2006
Discovery of true electrochemical reactions for ultrahigh catalyst mass activity in water splitting
J Mo, Z Kang, ST Retterer, DA Cullen, TJ Toops, JB Green Jr, MM Mench, ...
Science advances 2 (11), e1600690, 2016
Investigation of thin/well-tunable liquid/gas diffusion layers exhibiting superior multifunctional performance in low-temperature electrolytic water splitting
Z Kang, J Mo, G Yang, ST Retterer, DA Cullen, TJ Toops, JB Green Jr, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (1), 166-175, 2017
Impact of channel wall hydrophobicity on through-plane water distribution and flooding behavior in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell
A Turhan, S Kim, M Hatzell, MM Mench
Electrochimica Acta 55 (8), 2734-2745, 2010
Influence of architecture and material properties on vanadium redox flow battery performance
J Houser, J Clement, A Pezeshki, MM Mench
Journal of Power Sources 302, 369-377, 2016
Physical degradation of membrane electrode assemblies undergoing freeze/thaw cycling: Micro-structure effects
S Kim, MM Mench
Journal of Power Sources 174 (1), 206-220, 2007
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Articles 1–20