Vincent Courtillot
Vincent Courtillot
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Flood basalts and hot-spot tracks: plume heads and tails
MA Richards, RA Duncan, VE Courtillot
Science 246 (4926), 103-107, 1989
Structure and evolution of the Himalaya–Tibet orogenic belt
CJ Allegre, V Courtillot, P Tapponnier, A Hirn, M Mattauer, C Coulon, ...
Nature 307 (5946), 17-22, 1984
Three distinct types of hotspots in the Earth’s mantle
V Courtillot, A Davaille, J Besse, J Stock
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 205 (3-4), 295-308, 2003
Apparent and true polar wander and the geometry of the geomagnetic field over the last 200 Myr
J Besse, V Courtillot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B11), EPM 6-1-EPM 6-31, 2002
On the ages of flood basalt events
VE Courtillot, PR Renne
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 335 (1), 113-140, 2003
On causal links between flood basalts and continental breakup
V Courtillot, C Jaupart, I Manighetti, P Tapponnier, J Besse
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 166 (3-4), 177-195, 1999
Revised and synthetic apparent polar wander paths of the African, Eurasian, North American and Indian plates, and true polar wander since 200 Ma
J Besse, V Courtillot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 96 (B3), 4029-4050, 1991
Deccan flood basalts at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary?
V Courtillot, J Besse, D Vandamme, R Montigny, JJ Jaeger, H Cappetta
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 80 (3-4), 361-374, 1986
Timing of the Ethiopian flood basalt event and implications for plume birth and global change
C Hofmann, V Courtillot, G Feraud, P Rochette, G Yirgu, E Ketefo, R Pik
Nature 389 (6653), 838-841, 1997
Paleomagnetic constraints on the geodynamic history of the major blocks of China from the Permian to the present
RJ Enkin, Z Yang, Y Chen, V Courtillot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B10), 13953-13989, 1992
Deccan flood basalts and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
V Courtillot, G Feraud, H Maluski, D Vandamme, MG Moreau, J Besse
Nature 333 (6176), 843-846, 1988
Paleontological view of the ages of the Deccan Traps, the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, and the India-Asia collision
JJ Jaeger, V Courtillot, P Tapponnier
Geology 17 (4), 316-319, 1989
Tectonic evolution of the Tancheng‐Lujiang (Tan‐Lu) fault via middle Triassic to Early Cenozoic paleomagnetic data
SA Gilder, PH Leloup, V Courtillot, Y Chen, RS Coe, X Zhao, W Xiao, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B7), 15365-15390, 1999
Evolutionary catastrophes: the science of mass extinction
V Courtillot, V Courtillot
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Paleogeographic maps of the continents bordering the Indian Ocean since the Early Jurassic
J Besse, V Courtillot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 93 (B10), 11791-11808, 1988
40K–40Ar dating of the Main Deccan large igneous province: Further evidence of KTB age and short duration
AL Chenet, X Quidelleur, F Fluteau, V Courtillot, S Bajpai
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (1-2), 1-15, 2007
Palaeomagnetic estimates of crustal shortening in the Himalayan thrusts and Zangbo suture
J Besse, V Courtillot, JP Pozzi, M Westphal, YX Zhou
Nature 311 (5987), 621-626, 1984
Paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of southern Tibet since middle Cretaceous time: New paleomagnetic data and synthesis
J Achache, V Courtillot, ZY Xiu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 89 (B12), 10311-10339, 1984
40Ar/39Ar dating of mineral separates and whole rocks from the Western Ghats lava pile: further constraints on duration and age of the Deccan traps
C Hofmann, G Feraud, V Courtillot
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 180 (1-2), 13-27, 2000
Magnetic field reversals, polar wander, and core-mantle coupling
V Courtillot, J Besse
Science 237 (4819), 1140-1147, 1987
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