Venkateswarlu Gonuguntla
Venkateswarlu Gonuguntla
Symbiosis Centre for Medical Image Analysis, Pune, India
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Event-related functional network identification: application to EEG classification
V Gonuguntla, Y Wang, KC Veluvolu
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 10 (7), 1284-1294, 2016
Human implicit intent recognition based on the phase synchrony of EEG signals
JS Kang, U Park, V Gonuguntla, KC Veluvolu, M Lee
Pattern Recognition Letters 66, 144-152, 2015
Phase synchrony in subject-specific reactive band of EEG for classification of motor imagery tasks
V Gonuguntla, Y Wang, KC Veluvolu
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Identification of emotion associated brain functional network with phase locking value
V Gonuguntla, R Mallipeddi, KC Veluvolu
2016 38th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2016
Differential evolution with population and strategy parameter adaptation
V Gonuguntla, R Mallipeddi, KC Veluvolu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 287607, 2015
Brain signatures based on structural MRI: Classification for MCI, PMCI, and AD
V Gonuguntla, E Yang, Y Guan, BB Koo, JH Kim
Human Brain Mapping 43 (9), 2845-2860, 2022
EEG classification of emotions using emotion-specific brain functional network
V Gonuguntla, G Shafiq, Y Wang, KC Veluvolu
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Direct rating estimation of enlarged perivascular spaces (Epvs) in brain MRI using deep neural network
E Yang, V Gonuguntla, WJ Moon, Y Moon, HJ Kim, M Park, JH Kim
Applied Sciences 11 (20), 9398, 2021
EEG-Based functional connectivity representation using phase locking value for brain network based applications
V Gonuguntla, JH Kim
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Utilizing YOLO models for real-world scenarios: Assessing novel mixed defect detection dataset in PCBs
VK Ancha, FN Sibai, V Gonuguntla, R Vaddi
IEEE Access, 2024
Synthesis and properties of oxygen-deficient cobalt oxide nanocubes for supercapacitor application
D Merum, R Pitcheri, V Gonuguntla, SW Joo
Materials Letters 347, 134585, 2023
Classification of dementia associated disorders using eeg based frequent subgraph technique
AT Adebisi, V Gonuguntla, HW Lee, KC Veluvolu
2020 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 613-620, 2020
Recognition of event-associated brain functional networks in EEG for brain network based applications
V Gonuguntla, KC Veluvolu, JH Kim
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 271-274, 2020
BMFLC with neural network and DE for better event classification
Y Wang, V Gonuguntla, G Shafiq, KC Veluvolu
2013 International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 34-35, 2013
EEG based Functional Connectivity Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Subjects
PP Vijayakumaran, D Narzary, V Gonuguntla, HW Lee, KC Veluvolu
2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and …, 2020
Identification of dementia related brain functional networks with minimum spanning trees
AT Adebisi, V Gonuguntla, HW Lee, KC Veluvolu
2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2020
Performance comparison of spatial filter with multiple BMFLCs for BCI applications
Y Wang, V Gonuguntla, G Shafiq, KC Veluvolu
Neural Information Processing: 20th International Conference, ICONIP 2013 …, 2013
AgSbS2 thin films produced by sulfurizing Sb/Ag stacks for photoelectrochemical applications
U Chalapathi, YBK Kumar, A Sreedhar, V Gonuguntla, NH Alotaibi, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 334, 124691, 2024
CSDNet: A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Improved Cataract State Detection
L PL, R Vaddi, MO Elish, V Gonuguntla, SS Yellampalli
Diagnostics 14 (10), 983, 2024
Synthesis of AgBiS2 films by sulfurizing Bi/Ag stacks for thin film photovoltaics
U Chalapathi, S Sangaraju, YBK Kumar, R Cheruku, P Kondaiah, ...
Optical Materials 152, 115492, 2024
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Articles 1–20