Intersection test for collision detection in particle systems EA Karabassi, G Papaioannou, T Theoharis, A Boehm Journal of Graphics Tools 4 (1), 25-37, 1999 | 34 | 1999 |
Generalized computation of Schröder iteration functions to motivate families of Julia and Mandelbrot-like sets V Drakopoulos, N Argyropoulos, A Böhm SIAM journal on numerical analysis 36 (2), 417-435, 1999 | 23 | 1999 |
Stereo matching using optic flow M Hatzitheodorou, EA Karabassi, G Papaioannou, A Boehm, T Theoharis Real-Time Imaging 6 (4), 251-266, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Fractal Frontiers: Fractals In The Natural And Applied Sciences MM Novak, TG Dewey World Scientific, 1997 | 19 | 1997 |
Efficient integer algorithms for the generation of conic sections A Agathos, T Theoharis, A Boehm Computers & Graphics 22 (5), 621-628, 1998 | 18 | 1998 |
Julia and Mandelbrot-like sets for higher order König rational iteration functions N Argiropoulos, V Drakopoulos, A Böhm Fractal frontiers, 169-178, 1997 | 16 | 1997 |
A texture controller G Papaioannou, T Theoharis, A Boehm The Visual Computer 14 (10), 488-496, 1998 | 6 | 1998 |
Computer graphics: principles & algorithms T Theoharis, A Böhm Symmetria, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |
Fractal interpolation techniques for the generation of space-filling curves V Drakopoulos, A Tziovaras, A Böhm, L Dalla Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and Its Applications, 843-850, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |
¥Ã¥ñ¥á¥õ¥é¥êά: ¥Á¥ñ¥öές & ¥Á¥ë¥ãό¥ñ¥é¥è¥ì¥ï¥é ¥È ¥È¥å¥ï¥öά¥ñ¥çς, ¥Á ¥Ì¥ð¥å¥ì ¥Á¥èή¥í¥á, ¥Å¥ê¥äό¥ò¥å¥éς ¥Ò¥ô¥ì¥ì¥å¥ó¥ñί¥á, 1999 | 2 | 1999 |
Julia and Mandelbrot–like sets for higher order König rational iterative maps. Fractal Frontier, MM Novak and TG Dewey, eds N Argiropoulos, V Drakopoulos, A Böhm World Scientific, Singapore, 1997 | 2 | 1997 |
Fractal Frontiers N Argiropoulos, V Drakopoulos, A Böhm, MM Novak, TG Dewey | 2 | 1997 |
¥Ò¥ó¥ï¥é¥ö¥åί¥á ¥á¥ðό ¥ó¥ç ¥è¥å¥ø¥ñί¥á ¥ó¥ø¥í Fractals ¥Ë ¥Å¥ô¥á¥ã¥ã¥å¥ëά¥ó¥ï¥ô-¥Äά¥ë¥ë¥á, ¥Â ¥Ä¥ñ¥á¥êό¥ð¥ï¥ô¥ë¥ïς, ¥Á ¥Ì¥ð¥å¥ì ¥Ì¥á¥è¥ç¥ì¥á¥ó¥é¥êή ¥Å¥ð¥é¥è¥åώ¥ñ¥ç¥ò¥ç, 21-48, 1995 | 2 | 1995 |
JULIA AND MANDELBROT-LIKE SETS FOR HIGHER ORDER N ARGIROPOULOS, A BÖHM, V DRAKOPOULOS Fractal Frontiers: Fractals In The Natural And Applied Sciences, 169, 1997 | | 1997 |
¥Å¥Í¥Á¥Ò ¥Á¥Ë¥Ã¥Ï¥Ñ¥É¥È¥Ì¥Ï¥Ò ¥Ê¥Á¥Ó¥Á¥Ò¥Ê¥Å¥Ô¥Ç¥Ò ¥Á¥Ñ¥É¥Ò¥Ó¥Ø¥Í ¥Ä¥Ô¥Í¥Á¥Ì¥É¥Ê¥Ø¥Í ¥Ê¥Ï¥Ô¥Õ¥É¥Ø¥Í ¥Ä¥Å¥Í¥Ä¥Ñ¥Ï¥Ä¥Ï¥Ì¥Ø¥Í ¥Ê¥Ë¥Å¥É¥Ä¥É¥Ø¥Í ¥Ê¥Á¥É ¥Ì¥É¥Á ¥Å¥Õ¥Á¥Ñ¥Ì¥Ï¥Ã¥Ç ¥Á¥Ô¥Ó¥Ï¥Ô ¥Ò¥Ó¥Á ¥Ò¥Ô¥Ò¥Ó¥Ç¥Ì¥Á¥Ó¥Á ¥Á¥Ñ¥Ö¥Å¥É¥Ï¥È¥Å¥Ó¥Ç¥Ò¥Å¥Ø¥Ò ¥Á ¥Ì¥ðέ¥ì ¥Å¥è¥í¥é¥êό ¥ê¥á¥é ¥Ê¥á¥ð¥ï¥ä¥é¥ò¥ó¥ñ¥é¥á¥êό ¥Ð¥á¥í¥å¥ð¥é¥ò¥óή¥ì¥é¥ï ¥Á¥è¥ç¥íώ¥í (¥Å¥Ê¥Ð¥Á). ¥Ò¥ö¥ï¥ëή ¥È¥å¥ó¥é¥êώ¥í ¥Å¥ð¥é¥ò¥ó¥ç¥ìώ¥í, 1979 | | 1979 |