Gerard Dreyfus
Gerard Dreyfus
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Single-layer learning revisited: a stepwise procedure for building and training a neural network
S Knerr, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus
Neurocomputing: algorithms, architectures and applications, 41-50, 1990
Neural networks: methodology and applications
G Dreyfus
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Collective computational properties of neural networks: New learning mechanisms
L Personnaz, I Guyon, G Dreyfus
Physical Review A 34 (5), 4217, 1986
Ranking a random feature for variable and feature selection
H Stoppiglia, G Dreyfus, R Dubois, Y Oussar
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 3, 1399-1414, 2003
Information storage and retrieval in spin-glass like neural networks
L Personnaz, I Guyon, G Dreyfus
Journal de Physique Lettres 46 (8), 359-365, 1985
Réseaux de neurones-Méthodologie et applications
G Dreyfus, JM Martinez, M Samuelides, MB Gordon, F Badran, S Thiria, ...
New principle for the determination of potential distributions in dielectrics
P Laurenceau, G Dreyfus, J Lewiner
Physical Review Letters 38, 46 - 49, 1977
Handwritten digit recognition by neural networks with single-layer training
S Knerr, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 3 (6), 962-968, 1992
Neural networks and nonlinear adaptive filtering: Unifying concepts and new algorithms
O Nerrand, P Roussel-Ragot, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus, S Marcos
Neural computation 5 (2), 165-199, 1993
Training wavelet networks for nonlinear dynamic input–output modeling
Y Oussar, I Rivals, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus
Neurocomputing 20 (1-3), 173-188, 1998
Initialization by selection for wavelet network training
Y Oussar, G Dreyfus
Neurocomputing 34 (1-4), 131-143, 2000
Réseaux de neurones
G Dreyfus
Eyrolles, 2002
Development of a silent speech interface driven by ultrasound and optical images of the tongue and lips
T Hueber, EL Benaroya, G Chollet, B Denby, G Dreyfus, M Stone
Speech Communication 52 (4), 288-300, 2010
Stress-wave probing of electric field distributions in dielectrics
C Alquié, G Dreyfus, J Lewiner
Physical Review Letters 47, 1483 – 1487, 1981
Training recurrent neural networks: Why and how? An illustration in dynamical process modeling
O Nerrand, P Roussel-Ragot, D Urbani, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 5 (2), 178-184, 1994
Pairwise neural network classifiers with probabilistic outputs
D Price, S Knerr, L Personnaz, G Dreyfus
Advances in neural information processing systems 7, 1994
Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease with Electroencephalography in a differential framework
N Houmani, F Vialatte, E Gallego-Jutglà, G Dreyfus, VH Nguyen-Michel, ...
PloS one 13 (3), e0193607, 2018
Bimodal BCI using simultaneously NIRS and EEG
Y Tomita, FB Vialatte, G Dreyfus, Y Mitsukura, H Bakardjian, A Cichocki
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 (4), 1274-1284, 2014
Eigentongue feature extraction for an ultrasound-based silent speech interface
T Hueber, G Aversano, G Chollet, B Denby, G Dreyfus, Y Oussar, ...
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
How to be a gray box: dynamic semi-physical modeling
Y Oussar, G Dreyfus
Neural networks 14 (9), 1161-1172, 2001
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Articles 1–20