Milton Gonzalo Ruiz Maldonado (ORCID:0000-0001-7478-7545)
Milton Gonzalo Ruiz Maldonado (ORCID:0000-0001-7478-7545)
Professor of Electrical Design - Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ecuador - Electrical Engineering
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Cited by
Cited by
Wireless sensor network for smart home services using optimal communications
MGR Maldonado
2017 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science …, 2017
High availability network for critical communications on smart grids.
M Ruiz, P Masache, J Dominguez
Ssn, 13-17, 2018
Interoperabilidad entre medidores inteligentes de energía eléctrica residencial
M Ruiz, M García, QE Quito-Ecuador
Prim. Congr. Int. y Expo Científica 101, 2015
Optimal location of reclosers in electrical distribution systems considering multicriteria decision through the generation of scenarios using the montecarlo method
AA Téllez, L Ortiz, M Ruiz, K Narayanan, S Varela
IEEE Access 11, 68853-68871, 2023
Asignación óptima de recursos de comunicaciones para sistemas de gestión de energía
M Ruiz, E Inga
Enfoque Ute 10 (1), 141-152, 2019
Optimal Communications for Smart Measurement of Electric Energy Reusing Cellular Networks
M Ruiz, P Masache, E Inga
2018 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science …, 2018
Optimal location of transformers in electrical distribution networks using geographic information systems
S Pinzón, S Yánez, M Ruiz
Enfoque Ute 11 (1), 84-95, 2020
Electrical faults signals restoring based on compressed sensing techniques
M Ruiz, I Montalvo
Energies 13 (8), 2121, 2020
Despliegue Óptimo de Redes Inalámbricas para Medición Inteligente
S Quishpe, M Padilla, M Ruiz
Revista Técnica energía 16 (1), 106-113, 2019
Despliegue óptimo de redes ópticas para comunicaciones en redes eléctricas inteligentes
M Ruiz, E Inga
I+ D Tecnológico 15 (2), 79-85, 2019
Ubicación de fallas en redes de distribución eléctrica basado en sensado comprimido
M López
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Ecuador, 60-100, 2018
Diseño de un sistema híbrido inalámbrico-fibra para transmisión de datos de medidores inteligentes de energía en redes Smart Grid
M Ruiz
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2016
A novel algorithm for high compression rates focalized on electrical power quality signals
M Ruiz, S Simani, E Inga, M Jaramillo
Heliyon 7 (3), 2021
Asignación óptima de recursos de comunicaciones para sistemas de gestión de energía. Enfoque UTE, 10 (1): 141-152
MG Ruiz Maldonado, E Inga
Optimal Insertion of Energy Storage Systems Considering the Economic Dispatch and the Minimization of Energy Not Supplied
A Rengel, AA Téllez, L Ortiz, M Ruiz
Energies 16 (6), 2593, 2023
Power Factor Improvement in a Distribution System by Implementing Adaptive Control for Reactive Power Filters
C Gavilanez, M Jaramillo, W Pavón, C Barrera-Singaña, M Ruíz
2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication …, 2022
Optimal Allocation of Transformers in Electrical Distribution Systems Considering Attenuation and Capacity Constraints
M Ruiz, S Pinzón, S Yánez
2019 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science …, 2019
An Hybrid Algorithm based NARX for Non-Linear Identification and modeling of an AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid simulation
G Julio, O Leony, A Alexander, P Wilson, R Milton
2022 IEEE Sixth Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-6, 2022
Interoperabilidad entre medidores inteligentes de energía eléctrica residencial
MG Ruiz Maldonado
Optimum Stochastic Allocation for Demand Response for Power Markets in Microgrids
E Garcia, A Águila, L Ortiz, M Ruiz
Energies 17 (5), 1037, 2024
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Articles 1–20