Philippe Massonet
Philippe Massonet
scientific officer
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Cited by
Agent oriented analysis using MESSAGE/UML
G Caire, W Coulier, F Garijo, J Gomez, J Pavon, F Leal, P Chainho, ...
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II: Second International Workshop, AOSE …, 2002
Goal-directed elaboration of requirements for a meeting scheduler: Problems and lessons learnt
A Van Lamsweerde, R Darimont, P Massonet
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering …, 1995
Reservoir-when one cloud is not enough
B Rochwerger, D Breitgand, A Epstein, D Hadas, I Loy, K Nagin, ...
Computer 44 (3), 44-51, 2011
GRAIL/KAOS: an environment for goal-driven requirements engineering
R Darimont, E Delor, P Massonet, A van Lamsweerde
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Software engineering …, 1997
A monitoring and audit logging architecture for data location compliance in federated cloud infrastructures
P Massonet, S Naqvi, C Ponsard, J Latanicki, B Rochwerger, M Villari
2011 IEEE international symposium on parallel and distributed processing …, 2011
Analogical reuse of requirements frameworks
P Massonet, A Van Lamsweerde
Proceedings of ISRE'97: 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1997
Goal-oriented requirements animation
HT Van, A van Lamsweerde, P Massonet, C Ponsard
Proceedings. 12th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference …, 2004
MESSAGE: Methodology for engineering systems of software agents
R Evans, P Kearney, G Caire, F Garijo, J Gomez Sanz, J Pavon, F Leal, ...
EURESCOM, EDIN, 0223-0907, 2001
Early verification and validation of mission critical systems
C Ponsard, P Massonet, JF Molderez, A Rifaut, A Lamsweerde, HT Van
Formal Methods in System Design 30, 233-247, 2007
Management and service-aware networking architectures (MANA) for future Internet—Position paper: System functions, capabilities and requirements
A Galis, H Abramowicz, M Brunner, D Raz, P Chemouil, J Butler, ...
2009 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in …, 2009
An architecture for federated cloud computing
B Rochwerger, C Vázquez, D Breitgand, D Hadas, M Villari, P Massonet, ...
Cloud computing: principles and paradigms, 391-411, 2011
BEACON: A cloud network federation framework
R Moreno-Vozmediano, E Huedo, IM Llorente, RS Montero, P Massonet, ...
European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 325-337, 2015
Scalable cloud defenses for detection, analysis and mitigation of DDoS attacks
J Latanicki, P Massonet, S Naqvi, B Rochwerger, M Villari
Towards the future internet, 127-137, 2010
From AOSE methodology to agent implementation
P Massonet, Y Deville, C Néve
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Towards a security-enhanced PaaS platform for multi-cloud applications
K Kritikos, T Kirkham, B Kryza, P Massonet
Future Generation Computer Systems 67, 206-226, 2017
Towards modelling obligations in Event-B
J Bicarregui, A Arenas, B Aziz, P Massonet, C Ponsard
Abstract State Machines, B and Z: First International Conference, ABZ 2008 …, 2008
The MESSAGE methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design
FJ Garijo, JJ Gomez-Sanz, P Massonet
Agent-oriented methodologies, 203-235, 2005
Goal-oriented co-engineering of security and safety requirements in cyber-physical systems
C Ponsard, G Dallons, P Massonet
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 334-345, 2016
Multi-agent system organization: An engineering perspective
F Garijo, JJ Gómes-Sanz, J Pavón, P Massonet
Pre-Proceeding of the 10th European Workshop on Modeling Autonomous Agents …, 2001
An integrated meta-model for cloud application security modelling
K Kritikos, P Massonet
Procedia Computer Science 97, 84-93, 2016
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Articles 1–20