Lina Kattan
Cited by
Cited by
Variable speed limit: A microscopic analysis in a connected vehicle environment
B Khondaker, L Kattan
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 58, 146-159, 2015
A multinomial logit model of pedestrian–vehicle crash severity
R Tay, J Choi, L Kattan, A Khan
International journal of sustainable transportation 5 (4), 233-249, 2011
Public transportation and sustainability: A review
P Miller, AG de Barros, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 (3), 1076-1083, 2016
Bus rapid transit–a review
SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan, MM Rahman, J Hubbell, R Thilakaratne, ...
International Journal of Urban Sciences 17 (1), 1-31, 2013
Variable speed limit: an overview
B Khondaker, L Kattan
Transportation Letters 7 (5), 264-278, 2015
Reinforcement learning: Introduction to theory and potential for transport applications
B Abdulhai, L Kattan
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 30 (6), 981-991, 2003
Model of personal attitudes towards transit service quality
KMN Habib, L Kattan, MT Islam
Journal of Advanced Transportation 45 (4), 271-285, 2011
Integrated infrastructure systems—A review
S Saidi, L Kattan, P Jayasinghe, P Hettiaratchi, J Taron
Sustainable Cities and Society 36, 1-11, 2018
Analysis of bus travel time distributions for varying horizons and real-time applications
MM Rahman, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 86, 453-466, 2018
Factors contributing to hit-and-run in fatal crashes
R Tay, U Barua, L Kattan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2), 227-233, 2009
Analyzing the sustainability performance of public transit
P Miller, AG de Barros, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 44, 177-198, 2016
Social distancing in airplane seat assignments
M Salari, RJ Milne, C Delcea, L Kattan, LA Cotfas
Journal of Air Transport Management 89, 101915, 2020
Propensity to participate in a peer‐to‐peer social‐network‐based carpooling system
S Tahmasseby, L Kattan, B Barbour
Journal of Advanced Transportation 50 (2), 240-254, 2016
Waiting time and headway modelling for urban transit systems–a critical review and proposed approach
M Ansari Esfeh, SC Wirasinghe, S Saidi, L Kattan
Transport Reviews 41 (2), 141-163, 2021
Optimization of traffic sensor location for complete link flow observability in traffic network considering sensor failure
M Salari, L Kattan, WHK Lam, HP Lo, MA Esfeh
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 121, 216-251, 2019
Long-term planning for ring-radial urban rail transit networks
S Saidi, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 86, 128-146, 2016
Evacuation behaviour of households and drivers during a tornado: Analysis based on a stated preference survey in Calgary, Canada
SW Durage, L Kattan, SC Wirasinghe, JY Ruwanpura
Natural Hazards 71, 1495-1517, 2014
Managing speed at school and playground zones
L Kattan, R Tay, S Acharjee
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1887-1891, 2011
Users' views on current and future real‐time bus information systems
MM Rahman, SC Wirasinghe, L Kattan
Journal of advanced transportation 47 (3), 336-354, 2013
Travel behavior changes and responses to advanced traveler information in prolonged and large-scale network disruptions: A case study of west LRT line construction in the city …
L Kattan, AG de Barros, H Saleemi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 21, 90-102, 2013
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Articles 1–20